话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 井汲大翔:抹茶绵绵奶芙
本书标签: 明星同人  井汲大翔  赛区2 



刘梦I really want to lose my memory and start my life again. But this is still impossible after all. I am distressed and become more lost. During this time, I had no friends, could not hear any comfort in my ears, and was so upset that I was hopeless. Later! I figured out that there are some things I can never change. Just like a line in Nezha's demon child came to the world: "the prejudice in the people's heart is like a mountain. No matter how hard you try, you can't move it." Gradually, I learned to use a bitter smile to ease the depression in my heart. In fact, if you think about it carefully, it's no big deal. At the age of adulthood, there's nothing you can't put down. Some things have to be borne by yourself, no matter what the result is. My mother always thinks I'm not big, and others always think I live like a clown. Therefore, those who cannot change choose obedience, and those who cannot shirk choose acceptance. In addition, I don't know why my mother has changed so much. She has changed. Our mother and son have become so strange, really strange. Sometimes, I open the photos of my mother and son when I was a child. Two pairs of dimpled cheeks stand out in the camera. I really want to cry and vent my recent savings, but experience doesn't allow me to spend so much. If there is an afterlife, I'd rather be a roadside weed that can be slaughtered by others than live so boring and boring. May the sky be bluer and the water clearer. May the world be prosperous and the world be true. May... A person's night, no more tears.




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