话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > TNT:成为我的光
本书标签: 明星同人  TNT  贺峻霖     




"Ordinary passers-by will think that my rose is similar to yours, but she is more important than all of you, because I watered her, because I covered her with a glass cover, because I listened to her complaints and boasting, and sometimes even listened to her silence, because she is my rose."

"You are responsible for your roses."

"I am responsible for my roses."

I pursue sunset and romance

I pursue tenderness and roses

In other words

I pursue you_ Ma Jiaqi

You can only understand what you domesticate

Said the fox

Human beings have no time to understand anything

No matter what they need, they go to the store to buy ready-made ones

But shops do not sell friends, so humans can no longer make friends

If you want to find a friend, please tame me

What should I do

You have to be very patient

You'd better come at the same time every day

But if you come at different times every day

I don't know when,

Start looking forward to your arrival

We need rituals

So the little prince domesticated the fox

In the twinkling of an eye, they will separate from each other

Oh... I'll cry

So you didn't get any benefits

I got benefits

Because of the color of wheat, go and see those roses

The little prince went to see the roses again

Ordinary passers-by will think that my rose is similar to yours, but she is more important than all of you, because I watered her, because I covered her with a glass cover, because I listened to her complaints and boasting, and even sometimes listened to her silence, because she is my rose

He went back to find the fox


Well... Bye

This is my secret

It's simple

It's you who spend your time for your rose

Making your rose is so important

It is my time to pay for my rose

The little prince followed in order to remember this sentence

Alas, mankind has forgotten this truth

But don't forget

You are always responsible for what you domesticate

You are responsible for... Your rose

I am responsible for my rose

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