话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
本书标签: 短篇  人生文案馆 




Life is hard to avoid twists and turns; Mood, hard to avoid ups and downs. Ups and downs of life, gathering emotions, encountering bumps, learning to jump past; When encountering setbacks, learn to choose and let nature take its course. Happiness can't depend on others. We can't change others but learn to change ourselves.



Many, many "because" and "but" prevent you from doing what you want to do and becoming the kind of person you want to be. What can change your life is always doing it, not dreaming. Opportunity always loves those who are prepared. It's better to do it once than to think for thousands of times.



You are afraid of being cheated, and I am afraid of being cheated, but I dare to try, but you dare not. This is the difference. If you don't work hard and want to give you a hand, you can't find where your hand is. Belief is always more valuable than doubt! The scariest thing in the world is to take your own time to witness other people's dreams come true! The saddest thing is that you dare not try and laugh at it.

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