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The journey of the youth should be the sea of stars, rather than smoke and dust.



When the sunset falls into the sea, I will carry you on my back and search for a pool of stars



I will reach for the moon, and if I fail, I will still be with the stars



I hope that one day, a boy will hold a bunch of stars and say to me "you are my stars".


最美好的事就是耳机音量刚好能盖过外界噪音 闹钟响起时你刚好自然醒 下雨天你刚好带了伞 你饿了刚好可以下班吃饭 你困了刚好身边有张床 你想给他发短信的那个人刚好给你打电话了 你喜欢上他的时候刚好发现他也喜欢着你

The best thing is that your headphones are loud enough to drown out the outside noise. You wake up when your alarm goes off. You wake up when it's raining, you bring an umbrella, you're hungry, you're ready for work. You're sleepy, and you have a bed next to you



If you ask God for help, you believe in His power. If God doesn't help you, He believes in your power.



He who reaches for the stars fails in vain.



See, your eyes are full of stars



If we have a chance, we will go together to see the mountains and the sea to see the tide rise and fall, to see the wind blow the withered leaves to see the rain wet the land, to see the birds fly to see the flowers fall, to see the things grow and die, I mean if I have a chance, if I don't have a chance, I will go alone



Autumn is a nostalgic season, many people and things are inadvertently quietly leave. Only I am alone, tasting the desolation of this season, but always missed the ancient road setting sun, missed the long river sunset of sadness......



I did not refuse to blow the wind, also did not like the person, this time I stood in the fog, even oneself can not see clearly.

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