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尸.炎黄一队不是确定,是肯定他肯定有那么多食物。Not for sure, but for sure. He must have so much food.

觉醒者好,如果双方拿出的东西满意的话,那这笔交易就做。Well, if both parties are satisfied with what they have come up with, then the deal will be done.

周墨枫(就是里面了是吧?行我进去看看)(is it inside? OK, I'll go in and have a look)

周墨枫(给我你们谈的怎么样了?能不能做这笔生意?)(give me how did you talk? Can you do this business? )

觉醒者(只要你给出的东西满意我们就做)As long as what you give is satisfactory, we will do it

周墨枫(好,要什么食物你们自己说,我都拿得出来)(OK, you can tell me what food you want, and I can get it.)

觉醒者(好!20万斤动物肉,只要你拿得出来,武器库里的你随便挑)(good! 200,000 pounds of animal meat, as long as you can take it out, you can pick it out in the arsenal)

周墨枫(系统20万斤有多少?)(How much is the system 200,000 Jin? )

系统(这完蛋玩意看不起谁呢?一只虫族牛都10万斤一只,他竟然只要2只?)(who does this finished thing look down on? A zerg cow is 100,000 Jin, but he only needs 2? )

周墨枫(好家伙,我都没看过这玩意,你确定有10万斤一只?)Boy, I haven't even seen this thing. Are you sure there are 100,000 catties? )

系统(当然有,我还能不知道?)(Of course, I still don't know? )

周墨枫(行,等会我就把肉送过来)(行,等会我就把肉送过来)(OK, I'll send the meat later.)

觉醒者(好!只要你拿得出来,这笔交易就做)(good! As long as you can get it, the deal will be done)

周墨枫(虫族,挑2只10斤的虫牛,处理干净我马上来拿)(Zerg, pick two 10-pound bugs, dispose of them, and I'll pick them up right away)

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