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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



系统(好啊,刚好就一条)(Yes, just one.)

周墨枫(行啊,你们会做鱼吗?)Yes, can you cook fish? )

周墨枫(突然发现,我好像都不会做饭)Suddenly, I can't seem to cook.

尸.炎黄一队(现在有鱼吃就不错了,什么家庭啊,还烹饪?)(It's good to have fish to eat now. What family still cooks? )

周墨枫(好家伙,冒昧问一下,你们多久没吃肉了?)Boy, how long have you not eaten meat? )

尸.炎黄一队不多,也就小半年吧Not much, just half a year

周墨枫(好家伙,真是辛苦你们了)(Boy, it's really hard for you)

尸.炎黄一队(不辛苦,反正修炼者都不用吃饭了)(It's not hard, anyway, practitioners don't have to eat)

尸.炎黄一队(但是军队里的普通人都没饭吃啊)(But ordinary people in the army have no food to eat.)

周墨枫(所以啊,要不要和我做这笔交易?你们稳赚不赔哦)(So, do you want to make this deal with me? You won't lose money.)

尸.炎黄一队(好!通知那些老不死的,有大客人来了)(good! Inform those old people that there are big guests coming)


周墨枫Then I'll go in later? Is it all right?

尸.炎黄一队(没问题,您先进去吧)(No problem, please go first)

军队高层Military high-level

什么十二生肖竟然被人打爆了,你们是干什么吃的?What Chinese Zodiac has been blown up? What do you eat?

尸.炎黄一队没办法那人的机器人太厉害了,而且他还要和我们做一笔交易,而且是稳赚不赔的交易)I can't help it. The man's robot is too powerful, and he has to make a deal with us, and it is a sure deal.)

觉醒者(什么交易?说来听听?)(What deal? Tell me about it? )

尸.炎黄一队(他拿数不清的食物来换我们的高级武器)He traded countless foods for our advanced weapons

觉醒者(食物?而且还是数不清的?你确定他有那么多?)(Food? And there are still countless. Are you sure he has so many? )

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