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本书标签: 玄幻奇幻  丧尸  爽文     



系统以后你还可以升级嘛You can upgrade in the future

系统你现在太穷了,买不起高级的。You are too poor to afford a high-end one now.

周墨枫龙群怎么样了?What happened to the dragons?

系统还不错,明天就可以大展身手了。Not bad. We can do our best tomorrow.

周墨枫(行了,各位先好好休息有事找这位,明天还有事呢)(all right, you have a good rest first, have something to find this, have something to do tomorrow)

普通人(这是怎么了?你们是军队吗?你们怎么会有这种重型武器?)(what's the matter with this? Are you in the army? How do you have such a heavy weapon? )

(刹那间无数的质疑声喷涌而出。)(In an instant, countless doubts spewed out. )

贝贝(都给我把嘴闭上!如果不是我们你们早死了!都吵什么?)Shut your mouth! If it wasn't for us, you'd be dead! What's all the noise? )

周墨枫(各位冷静一下,这大家应该都看过电影吧?丧尸病毒爆发什么的,只不过这是真的,我们不是军队,军队估计也是自身难保)(Everyone calm down, everyone should have seen the movie? Zombie virus outbreak or something, but this is true, we are not the army, the army estimates is itself)

周墨枫(至于为什么有这么多武器……你们没必要知道,你们只要知道,你们要拿上这些武器来抵抗丧尸就行了!(As for why there are so many weapons... You don't have to really, as long as you know, you have to take these weapons to resist zombies! ) )

(一群人都沉默了)(a group of people were silent)

普通人(行吧,我们跟着你)(OK, we follow you)

周墨枫(不过……你们里面有几个被咬了的啊)(But... how many of you have been bitten)

普通人(啊这……)(Ah, this...)

(众人都互相看了一眼然后不自觉的退后了一步)(they all looked at each other and then unconsciously took a step back)

(但是有几个人站在原地没动)(但是有几个人站在原地没动)(but a few people stood still)


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