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周墨枫(继续吧……斩!)(go on... Cut! )

(周墨枫这别还在苦b的杀这丧尸,可是新闻直播可让他火了)(Zhou Mofeng is still killing this zombie in the bitter b, but the live news can make him fire)

(不知道哪里来的新闻主持人偷偷的躲在一边直播,网上的人还看的津津有味,完全没当真)(I don't know where the news host came from secretly hiding on the side of the live broadcast, the people on the Internet still look at it with relish, completely not serious)

周墨枫(呼~终于杀完了……医院已经沦陷了?)(shout ~ finally finished... The hospital has fallen? )

(医院门口,里面,密密麻麻全是丧尸)(at the entrance of the hospital, inside, is full of zombies)

周墨枫(What's the matter? )

周墨枫(要好多时间啊……算了先不管了,以后再来吧)(It takes a lot of time... Forget it, no matter what, come back later)

(一天的丧尸狩猎计划就这样结束了。这一天几人杀了无数的丧尸,但是丧尸还是迅速的感染扩散了)(a day of zombie hunting plan is over. This day a few people killed countless zombies, but zombies or quickly spread the infection)

周墨枫(这扩散的也太快了吧,就算我们比他们强这么多。)(the spread is too fast, even if we are so much better than them. )

系统(明天世界就要合并了,你是不是应该升级一下基地的防御?)(tomorrow the world is going to merge, you should upgrade the base of defense? )

周墨枫(知道了深水我已经准备好了明天合并应该就会有收获了)(I know that I am ready for the deep water, and the merger should be rewarded tomorrow)

系统(阵我已经下好了,就差最后的灵魂了。)(I have a good array, just the last soul. )

周墨枫(这玩意血脉龙居然还用不了,竟然要蛟龙这种垃圾玩意)(This thing is not used by the blood dragon, and it is necessary to use this garbage thing)

本章完End of this chapter

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