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凯兰崔尔(那我就放心了)(Then I'm relieved)

周墨枫(喂,我们吃饭去,你来不来)Hey, let's go to dinner. will you come

凯兰崔尔Um (嗯)

周墨枫(哟……不是哑巴啊)(Yo, not dumb)


(凯兰崔尔摇着头说道)(Calantrell shakes his head and says)

李婉茹(快点,走啦)(Come on, let's go)

(李婉茹眼神空洞的说)(Li Yuru said with empty eyes)

周墨枫(怎么感觉不一样?)(Why does it feel different? )

(周墨枫精神力比同阶人强多了……一下就感觉出来有异常)(Zhou Mofeng's mental strength is much stronger than that of his peers, I feel that there is an abnormality at a glance)

超级系统(她被控制了……)She is under control

周墨枫(他的精神力不应该这么差啊)(His mental strength should not be so bad)

超级系统(也就是说控制他的人至少是地阶)(That is to say, the person who controls him is at least the steps)

周墨枫(那还真不好办啊,地阶,不知道打不打得过)(That's really hard to do, the steps, I don't know if I can beat it)

刘华(控制住了么……)(Is it under control,)

神秘人(当然)Of Course

周墨枫(好了……没有把握打的赢……就顺着他的路线走吧)Well, not sure of winning the fight, just follow his route

超级系统(明智的选择)A wise choice

凯兰崔尔(你怎么在发呆啊)(Why are you in a daze)

周墨枫(昂,没事李婉茹你带路吧)(Ang, it's okay, Li Wanru, you lead the way)



End of this chapter

(怎么还差1个字才1000字………………)(How is it that one word is only 1000 words.........)

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