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李婉茹(又对纯种精灵要求太高,所以自然就少)(And the requirements for purebred elves are too high, so naturally there is less)

李婉茹((不过她竟然是纯种精灵的话为什么会被抓呢?精灵应该对纯种精灵的保护非常好啊)(But why did she get caught if she turned out to be a pure-bred elf? Elves should be very good at protecting purebred elves)

周墨枫(可能是他自己逃出来的?。而且他长得也不是特别像纯种精灵)(Maybe he escaped by himself? 。 And he doesn't look particularly like a purebred elf)

李婉茹(也不是没有可能……算了赶快去付钱然后走吧……这里人太多了)(It's not impossible, forget it, hurry up and pay and go, there are too many people here)


刘华(嘿嘿……纯种精灵?有意思……)(Hey, purebred elf? Interesting,)

(他们可没想到他们说话被人偷偷听见了)They didn't expect that they were overheard

(Zhou Mofeng 2 people paid the money and came out with the elf) (周墨枫2人付完钱带着精灵走了出来)

李婉茹(他怎么不说话啊?)(Why doesn't he speak? )

周墨枫(……谁知道呢)(, who knows)

周墨枫(不会是个哑巴吧?)(It won't be a dumb? )

李婉茹(那我们接下来干嘛?)(Then what do we do next? )

(2人叽叽喳喳说个不停,完全没注意精灵在旁边)(2 people kept talking and didn't pay attention to the elf next to them)

凯兰崔尔(我怕不是透明人)(I am afraid it is not a transparent person)

凯兰崔尔(看样子应该不是什么恶人)(It seems that it should not be a bad person)


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