话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 爱的较劲
本书标签: 都市  主角光环  作者超努力     

第八十七章 昊贤结婚典礼2


······结婚典礼现场······主持人说:我们继续下一项,一句誓言承诺一生相随,一刻感动足以相伴风雨人生。此时此刻苍天播下了幸福的种子,大地盛开了吉祥的花朵,合法夫妻开始了他们美满的新婚生活,人生旅途掀开了他们崭新的一面,为了这个新家庭的诞生,他们带来了珍贵的信物,这信物象征着两个真诚不变的心,还包含着更多的责任和承诺,下面有请新郎的表姐和表弟给二位新人送上属于他们的爱情信物。新郎,真诚地望着你的爱妻,记住,这是你今生无悔的选择!现在请将钻戒佩戴在新娘左手的无名指上。新娘,真诚地望着你的先生,记住,这是你今生幸福的依靠!现在请将钻戒佩戴在新郎左手的无名指上。天长地久有尽时,此情绵绵无绝期。一枚小小的钻戒,牢牢地套住了他们绵绵的情,套住了他们彼此相爱的心(We continue to the next item, a pledge commitment to accompany life, a moment touched enough to accompany the storm of life. At this moment, the sky sows the seeds of happiness, the earth blooms auspicious flowers, the legal couple begins their happy new marriage life, the journey of life opens up a new side of them, for the birth of this new family, they brought with them a precious token, a token of two true and unchanging hearts, and a token of more responsibility and commitment. Next, please welcome the groom's cousin and cousin to present their love tokens to the bride and groom. Groom, sincerely looking at your wife, remember, this is your life no regrets choice! Now please place the diamond ring on the ring finger of the bride's left hand. Bride, sincerely looking at your husband, remember, this is your life on the basis of happiness! Now please place the diamond ring on the Ring Finger of the groom's left hand. When the Eternity is over, the love will last forever. A small diamond ring, firmly set them Mian Qing, set them to love each other heart)。


唐奕萱昊贤,表姐祝你幸福(Ho-hyun, I wish you happiness)。

陈昊贤(表弟)谢谢,表姐(Thank you, cousin)。


主持人说::现在,将你们两只带着戒指的双手紧紧的拉在一起并高高的举起接受大家的祝福吧。我们衷心希望你们记住今天彼此的诺言,永远把对方当成手心里的宝。那此时此刻,新郎你还在等些什么呢?拥她入怀吧!用你那男人般有力的臂膀拥抱你的爱妻,拥抱你的天使,拥抱你心中的太阳!亲爱的朋友们掌声响起让我们祝福他们:执子之手,与子偕老。恩恩爱爱,直到永远!掌声在哪里( Now, pull your two ringed hands together tightly and hold them high to receive your blessings. We sincerely hope that you will remember today's promise to each other, always treat each other as a treasure in the palm of your hand. What are you waiting for, groom, at this very moment? Take her in your arms! Embrace your wife with your manly arms, your angel, and the Sun in your heart! We held their hands ; And I will hope to grow old with you . Love and affection, forever and ever! Where's the applause)?


此时主持人又说:朋友们,烛光是幸福、温馨、喜悦、吉祥的象征,传说在婚礼上点燃的烛火是为了让新人在今后的生活中找到心灵的光明。现在就让我们再一次有请新郎的姐夫和嫂子送上爱的火种,让新郎新娘引燃这象征着星火相传的爱情火焰,点燃这象征着锦绣前程的水晶烛台。有请新郎新娘四手合力拿起你们爱的火烛;点燃你们新生活开始的烛光!乐曲悠扬,烛光闪亮,那燃烧的蜡烛燃烧着他们爱情的火焰照亮着他们美好的理想。预示着他们生活的幸福,象征着他们一生的安康,手挽手来心连心,海誓山盟不变心。一对鸳鸯结同心,同甘共苦一条心,祝你们婚后的生活就像这爱的火种一样如火如荼、红红火火!掌声见证!(Friends, candlelight is a symbol of happiness, warmth, joy and auspiciousness. It is said that the candlelight lit at the wedding is to let the couple find the light of heart in their future life. Now let us once again invite the groom's brother-in-law and sister-in-law to send the flame of love, so that the bride and groom to ignite the flame of love, a symbol of the flame passing from star to star, the crystal candlestick symbolizing a rich future. Please join hands with the bride and groom to Pick Up The candle of Your Love; Light The candle of your new life! The Music is melodious, the candle light is shining, that burning candle is burning the flame of their love to illuminate their beautiful ideal. A symbol of their happiness in life, a symbol of their well-being in life, hand in hand to heart, Miotsukushi heart. A pair of Mandarin ducks with one heart, together through thick and thin, I wish you married life as the flame of love in full swing, red hot! Let's hear it for him!)


上一章 第八十六章 昊贤结婚典礼 爱的较劲最新章节 下一章 第八十八章 昊贤蜜月旅行