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本书标签: 都市  主角光环  作者超努力     

第八十六章 昊贤结婚典礼



主持人:如果说爱情是美丽的鲜花,那么婚姻则是甜蜜的果实,如果说爱情是初春的小雨,那么婚姻便是雨后灿烂的阳光。在这样一个美妙的季节里,一对真心相恋的爱人,从相识、相知、到相恋 ,走过了一段浪漫的爱的旅程。好的,亲爱的朋友们,此时此刻,我想所有的嘉宾和我的心情都是一样的,都是怀揣着一颗万般激动地心情、期待的心情 ,等待着我们今天的新郎和新娘的出现 ,下面就让我们一起把所有的目光都聚焦在幸福之门 ,并且以最热烈的掌声有请二位新人步入这神圣的婚礼殿堂(If we say that love is a beautiful flower, then marriage is a sweet fruit, if we say that love is a light rain in early spring, then marriage is the bright sunshine after rain. In such a wonderful season, a pair of true love lovers, from the acquaintance, acquaintance, to love, through a romantic love journey. Well, dear friends, at this moment, I think all the guests and I are in the same mood, all with a heart full of excitement and anticipation, waiting for the appearance of our bride and groom today, let us now focus all eyes on the door of happiness, and with the warmest applause please two couples into this sacred wedding hall)。


艾辰说:昊贤,从今天起我就正式把女儿交给你了(Ho-hyun, as of today, I am officially handing over my daughter to you)。

陈昊贤(表弟)爸,您放心吧,我一定会照顾好艾琳的,感谢您让我成为您的女婿(Don't worry, Dad. I'll take care of Eileen. Thank you for making me Your son-in-law)。

艾琳的父亲把艾琳交给了,陈昊贤,和艾琳走过红毯,此时的主持人说:朋友们 ,婚姻是相互的理解和信任,更是彼此的托付和珍惜。婚姻是爱与爱的交融,情与情的交换,更是心灵与心灵的碰撞,生命与生命的相连。传颂着一个美丽的爱情故事,交织出一个美好的爱情誓言。此时此刻我想新郎新娘都会有一句话想对彼此说,那么现在有请二位新人转过身来,相对而立,看着彼此的眼睛,新郎请你拉起新娘的手,在众人面前说出这份爱的告白吧。 先生,当你的手牵定她的手,从这一刻起,无论贫穷和富贵,健康和疾病,你都将关心她,呵护她,珍惜她,保护她,理解她,尊重她照顾她,谦让她,陪伴她,一生一世,直到永远,你愿意吗?(Friends, marriage is mutual understanding and trust, but also mutual trust and cherish. Marriage is the blending of love and love, the exchange of love and affection, the collision of heart and soul, the connection of life and life. Spread a beautiful love story, interweave a beautiful love oath. At this moment, I think the bride and groom will have a word to say to each other. Now, please turn around and stand facing each other. Looking into each other's eyes, the groom asks you to take the bride's hand, say It in front of everyone. Sir, when you hold her hand, from this moment on, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in riches and honor, you will care for her, cherish her, protect her, understand her, respect her, take care of her, humbly let her be, But Always her, forever, will you)?

陈昊贤(表弟)我愿意(I do)。

主持人说:好,掌声为新郎见证! 女士,当你的手牵定他的手,从这一刻起,无论贫穷或富贵,健康或疾病,你都将忠于他,支持他,帮助他,安慰他,陪伴他,一生一世,直到永远,你愿意吗(All right, give it up for the groom! Lady, when you hold his hand, from this moment on, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, you will be faithful to him, and you will support him, and you will help him, and you will comfort him, and you will But Always him, and you will always be with him, will you)?

艾琳我愿意(I do)。主持人说:掌声为新娘见证(Let's hear it for the bride)!


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