话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 迷雾禁区
本书标签: 现代 

Fog restricted area 第二章


Thanks to these four people's flowers, everyone's support is the biggest motivation for my update.


"This is a city without daytime. All you can do is kill each other. Oh, of course, you can allow an alliance, but in the end, only one person can leave here alive. All money and wealth are invalid here. Oh, hee hee ... the weak who have no ability can only choose to die and turn into souls to become supernatural here. The enemies here are not only human beings ... Come on! Ladies and gentlemen, I wish you live. 」


The sound died away, and the world seemed to be darkening in her eyes ...


Her name is Liang Yinuo, and she is a forensic doctor who deals with corpses all day. But strangely, she is timid, but she has a boyfriend who loves her very much, Zheng Linan, and she also likes him. Zheng Linan can always give her warmth at critical moments.


The world in front of us began to become gloomy, and gradually we could see the dilapidated old buildings in the distance.




Next preview: There seems to be no rules in this world ...


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