话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 迷雾禁区
本书标签: 现代 

Fog restricted area 第一章


Fog restricted area The first chapter

She woke up from the darkness, just like a newborn baby. Facing this unknown world, she is very confused. She doesn't know where this is.


Where is this? Why is the world so dark that she wants to struggle to get up but it backfires?


She remembers just walking along the beach with her boyfriend, recalling that the salty sea water hit the white lace dress skirt, and the fabric was wet to outline the perfect figure, chatting with him in the afterglow of the sunset, and their backs were so harmonious together.


Then I came to this place where I can't see anything. Damn it.


"Hee hee ~ Welcome to the fog restricted area, ladies and gentlemen. ……」


A voice came from the darkness, and she found that the voice even came from inside her.


There are four big characters floating in the sky: to be continued.




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