话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > KPL:琴声悠扬
本书标签: 游戏同人  花海  游同勤更王     



早上九点,秦祺坐车来到Augustus父母住的地方,敲门后女主人Caroline开了门,看到秦祺,年过半百的妇人露出了笑容,“Long time no see, Olivia. How have you been?”


秦祺和Caroline拥抱了一下,“Augustus and I lived in Wuhan and got along just fine.”


“How have parents and mother been for half a year? How's it going?”秦祺跟着Caroline进了屋,一边走一边问。


“Your father also gradually handed over the company to Augustus, and our life was more and more leisurely”


秦祺和Caroline坐到了沙发上,Caroline给秦祺到了杯茶,“From time to time, I think of the previous struggle, but fortunately, I can rest now”说完Caroline就笑了出来。


“Augustus always told me that what goes around comes around, and now I guess Mom and Dad taught me that.”秦祺抿了口茶,笑着说道。



“Olivia, how is Augustus living in China? He won't tell us, so we can't ask.”




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