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梦瑶不慎迷失的旅途 里再次回到梦中的江南。那一天,桃花纷 飞,青丝拂柳,倩笑了半面妆容。迷茫中, 惊鸿了那一瞥,沦陷了那一眼,一瞬间便是 一千年。

梦瑶千年一轮回,陌上红尘中迷醉了谁的双 眼?奢糜繁世间染指了谁的昨天?穿越时空 的隧道,浪迹前世的逐波

梦瑶In the confusion, I was surprised at that glance and fell into the trap. In a moment, it would be a thousand years.

梦瑶That day, peach blossoms were flying, green silk brushed the willows, and Qian smiled half of her makeup.

梦瑶Thousands of years of reincarnation, in the world of mortals who's eyes? Whose yesterday did the extravagant world touch? Through the tunnel of time and space, the waves of the past life, accidentally lost in the journey back to the dream of Jian

梦瑶打败焦虑 的最好办法,就是去做那些让你焦虑的事 情。出发永远是最有意义的事,去做就是 了。

梦瑶书堆很多了不知道看哪本,那就从手头 的开始看起;单词总是背不完,那就不要去 寻求捷径,从第一个开始背;旅行下不了决 心,那就放弃攻略从订机票开始。

梦瑶The best way to beat anxiety is to do what makes you anxious. Starting is always the most meaningful thing, just do it.

梦瑶Start by reciting the words first; If you can't make up your mind to travel, then give up the strategy and start from booking air tickets.

梦瑶人,小时候简单,长大了复杂;穷的时 候简单,变阔了复杂;落魄的时候简单,得 势了复杂;君子简单,小人复杂;看自己简 单,看别人复杂。

梦瑶这个世界其实很简单,只 是人心很复杂;其实人心也很简单,只是利 益分配时很复杂。人,一简单就快乐,但快 乐的人寥寥无几。

梦瑶it is simple, but when you gain power, it is complex; A gentleman is simple, a villain is complex; Look at your own simplicity and others' complexity. In fact, the world is very simple, but people's hearts are very complex; In fact, people's hearts are very simple, but the distribution of benefits is very complicated. People are happy when they are simple, but few people are happy.

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