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梦瑶如同白纸 永远无法理解钢笔的高贵一样,铅笔永远都 不会知道,橡皮一直在为他慢慢地消磨着自 己的生命。

梦瑶铅笔喜欢白纸,因为白纸不会嫌弃铅笔 永远是灰色的;而白纸却爱着钢笔,即使知 道钢笔象征着高贵;而钢笔心里只有墨水,


梦瑶Pencils like white paper, because white paper will not dislike that pencils are always gray; But white paper loves pens, even though it knows that pens symbolize nobility; The pen has only ink

梦瑶what ink means to him. Just as white paper can never understand the nobility of a pen, pencil will never know, and rubber has been slowly killing his life for him.

梦瑶想到还有你们,即使有些东西已经再 也找不回来,我的掌心始终握着最珍贵的宝 藏,给我力量。谢谢上天,让我们在最美的 年华彼此遇见。

梦瑶人生忽如寄,一转眼就已挥霍了最后的 青春。现实一点一点消磨我们的棱角,侵蚀 我们的梦想,在失落,遗憾,不甘,愤懑的 时候,

梦瑶Life is suddenly like a letter, and in a twinkling of an eye it has wasted its last youth. The reality wears away our edges and corners bit by bit, erodes our dreams, and when we are lost, regretful, unwilling, and resentful, I think of you

梦瑶Even if some things have never been found again, my palm always holds the most precious treasure, giving me strength. Thank God, let's meet each other in the most beautiful years.

梦瑶人,小时候简单,长大了复杂;穷的时 候简单,变阔了复杂;落魄的时候简单,得 势了复杂;君子简单,小人复杂;看自己简 单,看别人复杂。这个世界其实很简单,只 是人心很复

梦瑶Life is suddenly like a letter, and in a twinkling of an eye it has wasted its last youth. The reality wears away our edges and corners bit by bit, erodes our dreams, and when we are los

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