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You say we live here, rouge is exhausted, peach blossom.

你说 我们山居于此吧,胭脂用尽是,桃花就开了。

Instead of hurrying after the sunset. Better to wait for the stars.


Everyone should be an independent tree, slowly rooted, do not climb on the tree, because the tree fell, the vine will die.


"Life is hard, and I set off again with my broken oars."


"The universe tonight has a forgotten vastness and a feverish precision."


Why does this absurd rose bloom on my body when my body is still and my soul is lonely?


"Lend me an autumn, but you said it was winter."


Our hearts are long imperceptibly shaped by our own hands.


I gradually replaced "why did this happen to me" with "What did this teach me?" and found that everything around me had changed.


Relax, we will become the girl who even riding the bus would be nervous, become now calm in the middle of the city of the girl.

放宽心 ,我们都会成为当年那个连坐公交车都会紧张的女孩,变成现在淡定自若穿梭在各个城市中间的女孩.

Because there is a dream in the heart, so there is light in the dark, far away, so what, miss toe, is closer to the sun.


You ah, don't deny yourself, you are very good, special worth, there will always be someone to save for a long time of tenderness to warm you, believe me, you are not bad, we take it slow.


The world is full of people, can take into account your emotions of people is rare.


You can hate something, but please allow it to exist, also allow others to like it, not to belittle others like, is the basic quality.


Even if life does not see, also please peace.


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