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As long as I have been reading, I have been able to understand their own pain, has been with their own ignorance. Narrow-mindedness, prejudice, and darkness. Many people say that they want to shake hands with themselves, I don't want to be such a person, I want to take a stone to polish my stone. Will always read, will always suffer, always love the joy born out of the desolation of pain. It a rare thing in life to come and go.


Having a strong sense of self and being mentally unstable was really excruciating, because not only did I know I was self-destructing, but I was watching.


You are always in your own world, unable to participate in the events around you, unable to expend strength on others. You never had a burst of passion, always cooled the enthusiasm of others, always discouraged others, and absent-minded. "This time, she added a new adjective to my list of flaws: bland."


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