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本书标签: 现代  宝藏文案  文案     





I like my poem because I know that it is truly beautiful and that there is an indisputable brilliance in it. I also like the person I made myself. I'm satisfied with him.


You're walking down the street and you realize that the people in the car have their own lives, their own stories, their own families, and they're all headed to their own destinations, not just NPC。(别问为什么不翻译过来NPC,问就是懒。)


You realize that everything you know and love can be chemical absurdities and therefore have no intrinsic value in this physical universe.


Human beings cannot always predict the value of a moment, until the moment becomes a memory.


Others always think that a person's pain, is she loved in a day lost cause. In fact, her real pain had a higher value: it was to find that sorrow could not last, even pain had lost its meaning.


I have only seen seagulls flying in the sea, and I can't stand the monsters of reinforced concrete.


When you're having a very happy, perfect moment, and everyone who's in that moment is very happy, and then you realize that time can't be frozen in this moment forever, and all the happiness in this moment will eventually fade away, and everything will go back to being as bad as it was before, this moment of happiness is precious to you, And you realize that eventually you're going to go back to your crummy life.


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