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有什么推荐的书籍和散文嘛?不要小说,诗集也可以,或者让你很惊艳的句子……如果你都没有的话,还可以是电影。推荐一下吧っ (*  ̄)( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞへへ~♪

"The young rose will eventually sink, with the romance of the sunset."


I hid the rose behind me, and the wind rose and the flowers fell. From then on, the flowers were given to myself, and the horse stepped on the flowers to freedom.


"Fallen customs are inevitable, and romance will never die."


You are my last rose in this barren land.

在这贫瘠的土地上 你是我最后的玫瑰.

"Maybe there are more than 5,000 flowers just like you in the world, but only you are my unique rose."


I only have a rose in my pocket, and this trip is a long way.


Please commemorate me with a rose.


Please allow me to introduce NGC2237 Rose Nebula to you, a rose that will never wither. This is what I want to give you, a cosmic romance.


"Sixteen thousand acres of roses that turned the world upside down fell, but your long summer will never fall. It was a beautiful summer that even the gods praised."

“颠倒世界的一万六千亩玫瑰掉落了, 但是你的长夏永不会掉落,那是连神明都夸口称赞的美丽夏天。”

"If a heart weighs 250g and a rose weighs 2g, would you like to exchange a heart for a hundred roses, or exchange a hundred roses for a heart? The rose factory is waiting for your choice. "


Roses will bloom all the time。


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