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本书标签: 短篇 



Life is not necessarily a marathon like fixed track, but also a graceful walk in the forest path.

人生不一定是马拉松式的固定赛道 ,也可以是森林小径里的姿意漫步。

Every return trip is for a better start, and every stop is to accumulate strength.


No matter how fast the response is, it can't be compared with preparing for a rainy day.


It's better to live well in reality than to learn to think in a circle of friends.


Ten years of sharpening a sword, wind and rain have not stopped, willing to ride the wind and waves, live up to the time of youth.


The more turbulent the world is, the more people need the power to stabilize their hearts. The more the era of change, it also calls for the responsibility of the world.


Everyone has an antenna in his heart. As long as he can receive the signals of beauty, hope, joy, courage and power, he can be young forever and his charm will last forever.


Looking up at the sky of history, the country is shining. Across the long river of time, the feelings of family and country are continuous.

仰望历史的天空 ,国家怀熠熠生耀,跨越时间的长河,家国情怀绵绵不断。

Only when travelers travel in both directions with their own places, can they truly become a lifestyle with quality, value and taste.


The future belongs to those who believe in dreams and are willing to put them into action.


There are countless paths after the main road is completed. As long as you keep walking, there are countless scenery.


In those young days, we were like a wild grass, growing crazily and rebellious wantonly.

那些年少的时光里我们曾像一株野草,疯狂的生长肆意的叛逆 。

The real value is not on the stage of life, but in the role we play.

真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中 。

There are not so many talents. Excellent people always try to climb mountains.


Not every river can flow into the sea, but it can become a deep river and a great lake.


Because there is a dream in my heart, there is light in the silence, and there is no future. Then how to pad your toes, it will be closer to the sun.

因为心中有梦,所以喑里有光 ,遥遥无期 ,那要怎样,垫起脚尖,就更接近阳光 。

I hope you will continue to fight with the world with great interest and keep walking on the road full of flowers.

希望你继续兴致盎然的与世界交手 ,一直走在充满鲜花的道路上 。

The moon is dim and there are stars, mountains and rivers are pale, you and me.

月色暗淡还有星辰 ,山河失色你还有我 。


Years are quieter and better because of the passing of youth, and the world is more beautiful because of the youth standing forward.

岁月因青春慨然以赴而更加静好 ,世间因少年挺身向前而更加瑰丽。

Only at the top of the mountain can the river rush. Above the peaks, I feel the mighty wind.

于高山之巅,方可大河奔涌 。于群峰之上 ,更觉长风浩荡 。

Youth is not far away from mountains and rivers, but only to the future of the country.

青春不以山河之远, 志愿只向国家未来 。

Struggle is the brightest background of youth, and action is the most effective tempering of youth.

奋斗是青春最亮丽的底色 行动是青年最有效的磨砺。

How many times, in the battlefield without gunsmoke, they are writing a song of regretless youth.

多少次披星戴月,在没有硝烟的战场上 ,他们正谱写一首无悔的青春 。

It is the belief in youth that makes our spiritual sky broader. This is the pursuit of youth, which makes our era more gorgeous. It is the aspiration of youth that makes our struggle coordinate higher.

正是青春信仰让我们的精神天空更为辽阔 ,这是青春追求, 让我们的时代画卷更为绚烂, 正是青春志向,让我们奋斗的坐标更为高远 。

It is the ideal of youth that makes our spiritual beliefs more firm, it is the responsibility of youth that makes our realm of life more sublimated, and it is the passion of youth that makes our future world more wonderful.

正是青春理想 ,让我们的精神信念更为坚定 ,正是青春责任 ,让我们的人生境界更为升华,正是青春激情,让我们的未来世界更为精彩 。

Whether no one cares or your skills are inferior to others, you should try to calm down and do what you should do, instead of letting your inner irritability and anxiety destroy your little enthusiasm and concentration.

无人问津也好,技不如人也罢 ,你都要试着安静下来 ,去做自己该做的事 ,而不是让内心的烦躁 ,焦虑毁掉你本就不多的热情和定力 。

Life always goes through ups and downs. Don't be unhappy because of one or two failures. The process of polishing yourself is always full of difficulties and confusion. Believe that those who persist can always find their own light.

人生总要经历起起伏伏 ,不要因为一次两次失败就郁郁寡欢 ,打磨自己的过程总是充满了艰难和迷茫 ,要相信,坚持的人 ,总能够找到属于自己的亮光。

The road of life is long, and the future is as bright as the sea of stars. There is no need to hesitate in the past. Those so-called regrets may be a kind of growth, and those who have been injured will eventually turn into a light to illuminate the way ahead.

人生这条路很长 ,未来如星辰大海般璀璨 ,不必踟躇于过去的半亩方糖 。那些所谓的遗憾,可能是一种成长 ,那些曾受过的伤 ,终会化作照亮前路的光 。

Don't love small things but don't do them. Most of the time, love has nothing to do with how vigorous expression, but it just comes from daily and trivial things. It is from the heart, raising one hand and throwing one foot, giving people roses and lingering fragrance.

不要爱小而不为 。很多时候,爱无关 多么轰轰烈烈的表达 ,却恰恰来自于日常而琐碎的小事中 ,是发自内心的 一举手一投足 ,赠人玫瑰 ,手有余香 。

If you want to do something, start right away. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. A lifetime is so long that we have time to correct it. What's more, as long as you start, you will get something.

如果你想做一件事 ,马上就开始 ,别怕错 。一辈子那么长 ,我们有的是时间来纠正 。更何况,只要你开始,就会有收获

The troubles of youth can only be solved by growth, and the bottleneck of development can only be broken through by growth.

青春的烦恼 ,要成长才能解决 ,发展的瓶颈 ,要成长才能突破 。

Life is not like this. You can only grow up after experiencing tests. Life is not like this. Even if it's snowy and haze, you have to pursue the sun.

人生不就是这样 ,经历过一次次考验才能成长 ,人生不就是这样 ,哪怕风雪霏霾也要去追寻阳光 。

The meaning of effort: probably when good luck comes, you think you are worth it. Therefore, from now on, it's still time to work hard. At the best age, I failed to live up to my best self.

努力的意义 :大概就是当好运来临的时候 ,你觉得你值得 。所以,从现在开始努力 ,一切都还来得及 ,在最好的年纪 ,辜负了最好的自己 。

Everyone started a new life after saying goodbye to the past. We embarked on another journey of life with love and hope. Looking back at this time, the past is full of gratitude.

所有人都在和过去好好告别之后,开始了新的生活 ,我们带着爱和希望 踏上了人生又一段征程。此时回首,过去满是感激 。

There is no job in the world that is not hard, and there is no place where personnel are not complex. No matter what you are experiencing at the moment, adjust your mind and continue to move forward and work hard.

世界上没有一份工作不辛苦 ,没有一处人事不复杂 ,无论当下你在经历什么 ,把调整好心态继续前行 ,继续努力 。

There are always people who think you're bad, and there are always people who think you're good everywhere. People who love you naturally love you, and no matter how many people I love you, it's useless. Therefore, living in the moment and having fun in the moment is of the utmost importance.

总有人嫌你不好 ,也总有人觉得你哪里都好 ,爱你的人自然爱你 ,我爱你的人也再多也无用 ,所以,活在当下, 及时行乐蕞为重要。

I always believe that where God arranges me to go is to do what I should do, meet the person I should meet, endure the loneliness of no one, and deserve poetry and distance.

始终相信上天安排我到哪里 ,都是为了去做自己该做的事情 ,遇见该遇见的人 ,熬得住无人问津的寂寞 ,才配得上诗和远方 。

Working hard is not to get more, but to have better choices in life.

努力不是为了得到更多 ,是为了人生有更好的选择 。

When you sail against the current, you can't slow down a pole. A drop of water wears a stone, and a drop of water can't be abandoned.

逆水行舟,一篙不可放缓,滴水穿石 ,一滴不可弃滞。

Do more practical things to help people in time of need and worry about their difficulties, and do less virtual work to add icing on the cake and spend money.

多做一些雪中送炭 ,急人之困的实事 ,少做些锦上添花 ,花上垒花的虚功 。


Youth is actually a war. Writing is the soil and writing is the blade. No matter the outcome, the scars left on the four sides will remember the brilliant moments before.

青春其实就是一场战争 ,提笔为土,下笔为刃,无论结局如何 ,四上所留下的伤疤都将铭记之前辉煌的时刻。

The growth in youth does not have to be described by any magnificent poems or sentences. It is often only a sudden awakening in a moment or an idea, and the future is very disappointed.

青春中的成长并不一定要用什么恢弦大气的诗篇或语句来形容,往往只在一瞬间或一个念头之间的突然清醒 ,未来又怅然无比。

Don't be melancholy because of the past, continue to move forward. There are no obstacles on the road of youth that can't be crossed, but it's like nothing can stop the pace of teenagers' pursuit of dreams.

不要因为往事而惆怅,继续向前进发吧 ,青春路上没有跨不过去的阻碍,但如同没有什么事能阻挡少年追梦的脚步 。

Take youth as your life, dream as your theme, and life as your pen. Take this record book written by the most brilliant handwriting, and go on the road of chasing dreams without a loop. I will live up to you. When I was young, my original intention remained unchanged, and I finally realized it.

以青春为命 ,以梦想为题 ,以人生为笔,带上这最辉煌的亲笔所写下的记录薄,上一去无回路的追梦之途,不负你我年少时,初心不变 ,终得实现。

May you be young, with dreams, wine, tears, distance and growth.

愿你正当青春 ,有梦,有酒,有眼泪 ,有远方 ,也有成长 。

洛染溪“错过了这一次 ,要等下一辈子 。”

洛染溪“好好珍惜 ,别忘了自己的初心 ,因为命中注定 ,那天一定会供养你 。”



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