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What inspires your best and makes you stronger and stronger is actually your weakness.


From today on, be a simple person, practical and pragmatic.Don't indulge in fantasy and worry about others.Be happy, cheerful, tough, warm and sincere to people.Be sincere, calm, generous, tolerant and ordinary.Always full of hope for life Face difficulties and tribulations with a smile.Read more books and newspaper more,eat less snacks.Have a dream, even far away.


youth is wonderful, wasting youth is a crime.


Make an agreement with youth, because youth will race with time with the agreement.


Youth is a bright star and the star of dreams.

青春是璀璨的星星 ,是梦想的启明星。

Because there is light on your body, you don't give up. Being yourself in your youth is your best self.

因为身上有光,所以不放弃,做青春里的自己 是最好的自己。

I don't want to meet him in the same world, but I hope I can't be his opponent in the world of youth.

我不希望在同一个世界里和他相识,但我希望,在青春的世界里不能做他的对手 。

Bow your head with questions, raise your head with stars, have a pen in your hand, and have you in your heart.

低头有题 ,抬头有星,手中有笔 ,心里有你。

Effort is an attitude that has nothing to do with age.

努力是一种态度,与年龄无关 。

The seeds of youth are sprouting, and knowledge is sprinkling seeds like the sun. Every seed of youth is running.

青春种子在发芽 ,知识如太阳般浇洒种子,每一个青春的种子都在奔跑。

Live up to youth and youth.


I don't know what kind of label it is to be recognized by youth.


Be a calm self, study hard and strive to make up for the forgotten youth.

做一个坦然的自己,努力学习,奋斗 ,把遗忘的青春都补回来。

Youth is not afraid of long years, but there is still glory on the other side.

少年不惧岁月长 ,彼方尚有荣光在。

The hillside is always crowded. You have to go to the top of the mountain to have a look.

半山腰总是拥挤的 你得上山顶去看看 。

Don't give up your dream just because there is no one to support or watch.


You can put off everything until tomorrow, but time won't put off until tomorrow to run. You should be firm in your choice.

你可以把所有的事情都拖延到明天去做 ,但时间不会拖延到明天去奔跑,要坚定自己的选择。

When the evening wind blows over the water, youth will silently come to you.

晚风吹过水面 ,青春也会默默的走向你 。

Taking off your own star means that you give up your dream and stop blowing the bugle.

摘下了属于自己的那颗星星,就等于你放弃了自己的梦想 ,停止了号声的吹起。

The applause under the stage is the beginning of your progress, and the cheers under the stage are the praise of youth. You have also received your due return.

台下的掌声 ,是你进步的开始 ,台下的欢呼声 ,是对青春的赞扬,你自己也得到了应有的回报。




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