话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > LastKiss
本书标签: 二次元  adventure  comic     

Chapter 14


In less than one hour they were ready to leave the Potts' farm just as the sun was starting to set. Tony was putting their suitcases and bags in the back of the Edna's Dodge Ram as Pepper was buckling Dane into his safety seat on the back bench seat. Tony had told her earlier that he was going to have his suit shadow them on the drive into the airport and then escort them to California, just to be on the safe side, and Pepper couldn't keep herself from looking skyward as she finished up with Dane. Edna had gone to finish locking up the house and she had just closed and locked the front door. But instead of coming right back to the truck, Pepper noticed that her mom was now just standing in front of the house looking back at the front door. When Pepper was done with Dane, she noticed that her mom was still in the same place and still staring at the house. She looked at Tony who nodded silently towards the house and Edna as he went to take place in the driver seat.

Edna was lost in her thoughts when she felt Pepper's arms wrap around her shoulders. She turned her head towards Pepper and smiled slowly at her daughter. They stood together in silence both staring at the house for a few minutes more. Pepper knew that it was not easy for her mom to leave her home behind her. The future was so unsure and Edna knew it. She didn't know how long it would be before she would see her home again. And there was also a possibility that she might never see it at all given that it was an obvious militant government agency that would be the ones to decide what they would or wouldn't do to her family's farm. Edna suppressed a shudder at the thought of Shield burning down her home.

"What are they doing?" Dane asked curiously from the back seat of the car.

The question was simple but the answer wasn't. "They are just taking a little time for them," Tony tried to explain. Suddenly Pepper and her mom turned around and began walking back to the truck. "Look here they come now." he added.

Looking at the expression on his Grandma's face as she walked towards the truck Dane said "We definitely don't really go on vacation, do we?" Dane asked him quietly.

Tony just gave a sigh as an answer and Dane turned his gaze back to his mother and grandmother who were now approaching the truck.

Pepper's arm was still around the shoulders of her mom "Are you sure you'll be ok?" She asked gently.

Edna stopped and tenderly took Pepper's hands in hers "I will, don't worry about me, honey. You have much more important things to deal with now." She said looking at the truck where Dane and Tony sat watching them both with a curious intensity.

Pepper followed her mom's gaze and smiled slowly, then sighed as she turned back to look at her mom. "I know. But I'm also worried about you, mom. I mean everything that happening is a lot for you to deal with too you know."

Edna smiled like the knowing mom she was, and gently caressed Pepper's cheek "I love you sweetie, I love you and I love Dane. And anytime you are both happy and healthy, I'm the happiest person in the world."

Pepper smiled back at her knowing that her mom was probably not telling her all her true feelings "Thank you mom." Pepper said as Edna leaned over to place a kiss on her cheek.

They finally finished their walk to the truck. Pepper went to sit in the front passenger seat next to Tony and Edna sat next to Dane in the back seat. The ride to the airport was filled with an awkward silence. Tony didn't know what to say, or more importantly what he was actually suppose or allowed to say given his current precarious position within the Potts family. Every few minutes, he would look at Pepper as if trying to figure out what to say to her.

As she sat there next to Tony, Pepper did everything she could to avoid Tony gaze, looking at him only when she was sure that he was not looking at her because of the traffic. She noticed that his face held many emotions: happiness, love, fear, sadness. But overall, his expression was one of extreme seriousness. In all the time she had known him she had rarely seen him so serious. And when his eyes drifted again to her, she quickly turned her head to gaze outside the truck, suddenly afraid to meet his eyes. She knew she couldn't help herself, but every time she looked into his eyes, she could feel her heart rate increase rapidly. She wondered kiddingly how silly it would look if she died of a heart attack before she was forty because of those gorgeous bourbon eyes of his. As they continued to drive she also continued to glance at the back seat to find Dane still sound asleep just as he had been since the first 10 minutes of the drive.

Unnoticed by either Pepper or Tony Edna was observing them silently. She could see both of them looking at each other at regular intervals, but never at the same time. It was very obvious to her that they loved each other, just as they always have for years now. She couldn't help herself but wonder why it had always to be so hard for them to simply just love each other. After all it had taken them over 10 years to finally give in to their mutual feelings. And just when they appeared to have a 'happy ever after' relationship, first the aliens came and, then the bad guys who almost killed her daughter. And Edna was sure that she would never know all the details about the dangers that her daughter faced living with Iron Man because Pepper had always wanted to make sure that she protected her mom from her crazy life with Tony Stark! And even if Pepper and Tony hadn't realize it yet, Edna knew that now everything had changed for all of them forever. Edna had known it when Tony had knocked on her door two days ago. She knew that no matter what would happen, no matter what Shield did either for them or to them, no matter what Pepper would decide, everything had now changed! But were these changes for the best or the worst? She didn't know the answers to those questions yet, but the one thing that she was sure of was that, her life as she knew it, with Dane and Pepper living with her was now over! Her eyes moved from Tony's profile to look over at Dane who was still peacefully sleeping away, and noticed just much Dane resembled his father. Edna had felt bad about helping to keep Tony from knowing who Dane's father was at first. But she knew that she would do anything, even lie, in order to protect Pepper and Dane.

Edna wiped away a single tear that had rolled down her cheek in the darkness as evening fell and their truck entered the airport area. Pepper finally met Tony eyes in the dim light of the truck's cab when he turned onto a lighted road that was forbidden to the public. Tony caught the question in her eyes as he returned her quick gaze and he finally broke the stress-charged silence which had enveloped them since their departure from the Pott's farm house "We're not headed to the public terminal," he said as he turned left at the next intersection, "I don't want us to be spotted," he explained.

"But don't you think that the airport employees are going to say something when they see us board the jet?" she asked concerned.

"There are only a few people that are aware that we are taking the jet tonight and I plan on leaving as fast as we can in order for it to stay that way." He said calmly.

"Yes, but Fury is not stupid. Once he finds out about Jarvis hacking Shield, I'm sure he'll know how to trace your jet." Pepper argued.

"Yeah, you're right," he acknowledged, then gave her his best genius smile "How stupid do you think I am?"

Pepper rolled her eyes at his comment "I just wanted to be sure that you know what you are doing." She stated flatly. "It's not just you and I that are involved now."

His smile faded on his lips when he heard Pepper's serious, worried tone "Don't worry, everything is under control. First, I estimate that it will be at least 18 to 24 hours before Shield figures out that I'm involved in the security breach. Second, if by some, slim chance Fury figured it out before we get to Malibu, Jarvis laid down a lot of virus bread crumbs in Shield system that will whack all of their tracing data, third all the people that are involved in your rescue, that being me of course are 100% trustworthy. And lastly, and I hoping that we won't need the help, I still have the suit shadowing us so we can get it to distract and divert any welcoming committee at the airport while we slip out and drive to the mansion." Pepper frowned at the mention of the suit and Tony noticed it quickly. "But just don't worry about that right now, I'm sure we'll be safely inside the Malibu mansion before Shield even figures out that we left your house."

Pepper nodded slowly. "What about Anna?" Edna's voice echoed from the back of the car.

Her voice actually startled Pepper suddenly not remembering that she and Dane were with them in the car. "What do you mean, Mom?"

"She called before we left. Don't you remember? You told me that you'll call her back. Isn't she supposed to be a Shield agent?" asked Edna.

"Yes, she is." confirmed Tony, talking to Edna.

"You know that Pepper never forgets to call someone back," Tony smiled at Edna's statement, knowing how organized Pepper had always been. Pepper just rolled her eyes at her mother "She'll probably find this strange and notify her superiors or even drive out to the farm first thing in the morning." Edna continued to explain.

Pepper looked at Tony, waiting for his assessment of Edna's words. Tony thought about it for several seconds. "You are right, Mrs. Potts. I didn't think about that." He said to Edna in the most polite tone he could come up with and then glanced over at Pepper "I guess you'll have to call her back when we're on board the jet."

"What you want me to tell her?" Pepper asked with just a little stress in her voice.

"Is she supposed to come for Dane tomorrow?" Tony asked.

"Yes, she comes for him every day except for the weekends." Pepper said.

"Well, we have to keep her away from your house for at least tomorrow. Tell her that you noticed that Dane is not is not feeling well and that he is running a low grade fever and is very cranky. Tell her that you want to keep him at home tomorrow and see if he feels better. So you'll take a day off at work and keep him at home with you. If she talks to you about the tests and anything else about Dane, try to answer her as you would do if you didn't know that she was a Shield agent. Just try to be natural with her." Tony suggested. "Do you think you can do it?" he finally asked.

Pepper nodded "Fine, I will call her once we get settled on board."

"OK, perfect." Tony concluded as he parked the truck next to a private tarmac where Pepper happily recognized the SI jet. Tony motioned for them to stay put and he got out of the car, walking quickly over to talk with an SI employee who was standing next to the boarding stairs. After few minutes of discussion, he turned to look at Pepper and nodded slowly smiling as her.

"OK, we can go," she said to her mother. Both women got out of the car as Tony and the SI employee walked to the back of the truck for their luggage. Pepper opened the back door and starting unbuckling Dane who moaned quietly at her touch.

"Hey, sweetheart, we are at the airport." She spoke quietly as she carded the fingers of her hand through his now messy hair.

Dane blinked two or three times trying to adjust his sleepy eyes to the dim light in the back seat of the truck. "We're already here?" he asked in disbelief.

Pepper laughed gently as she picked Dane up and carried him out of the truck. "Yes, dormouse, you slept almost the entire trip."

Dane frowned at his mother comments. Tony walked around the truck to join them as the SI employee walked away carrying the luggage towards the cargo hold of the jet. "Hey buddy, you're awake" Tony said smiling at Dane.

Dane mumbled something inaudible which made both Pepper and Tony laugh. "He reminds me of someone when he is like that when he wakes up." Pepper said still laughing as she turned to stare at Tony.

Tony gasped, pretending to be offended "I have no clue about what you're talking about." He said smiling again at her.

Dane was completely lost in their conversation. "Who do I remind you of?" He asked immediately stopping Pepper's laughter.

Pepper and Tony stared at each other for few seconds, obviously at a loss of what to answer. Edna suddenly reached out and took Dane out of Pepper's arms. "For sure you remind them of your grandma! And she hates being woken up by rude people who laugh at you when you have your eyes barely open." She said as she hugged Dane as he smiled up at her. "Are we going on board the jet or not?" Edna asked, trying to change the subject quickly.

Tony shook slightly his head quickly pulling his thoughts together, "Yes we are." he said as he turned with a suitcase in his hand and a carry-on bag slung over his shoulder, and started to walk quickly towards the jet "Follow me."

Dane smiled visibly, excited about boarding the jet and he started to squirm in Edna's arms, turning to watch Tony who was walking away from them fast. Edna smiled and immediately set Dane down on the concrete "Go ahead, you restless boy!" she told him as he started to run towards Tony.

Dane caught Tony's free hand, who then jumped slightly at the unexpected contact. Tony immediately looked down at Dane, who was now securely holding on to his hand and looking around visibly amazed at everything. A bright smile suddenly lit up Tony's face as he resumed walking towards the jet, now proudly holding his son' small hand in his large one.

Pepper and her mother were walking a few feet behind them as they approached the jet. Pepper was closely watching her two men in front of her, a small smile clinging to her lips, her heart suddenly warmed with a good feeling. Edna glanced at her daughter as they continued to walk, noting the smile on her face, and she followed her daughter's gaze to look up at Dane and Tony as they held hands. "Dane seems to like him." Edna stated matter-of-factly.

"mmmhhhhh" was the only sound that came from Pepper who was still staring at Dane and Tony and lost deeply in her own thoughts.

"You'll have to be more careful, sweetie," Edna started, then stopped when she realized that Pepper was barely listening to her. She reached out to put her hand on Pepper's shoulder which then quickly brought Pepper back to reality.

"What?" Pepper asked, now looking at her mother.

Edna shook her head slightly "I was just telling you to be more careful. Dane is not stupid, he will figure out soon if you two keep going on like that." Edna explained to her.

"Yeah, you are right," Pepper sighed "By the way, thank you for the helping hand earlier." Pepper said smiling at her mother.

"You're welcome. But I really think you should talk to Dane really soon to let him know about Tony." Edna stated.

"You're probably right, but I want to take my time" Pepper said staring again at Tony and Dane in front of them.

"Why?" Edna asked.

"Mom, weren't you the one who didn't want me to tell Dane about Tony ever? And now suddenly you want me to tell him right away? Please just let me enjoy a little of the small amount of happiness that I can have for the moment. The bad things in life will be on top of us soon enough!" Pepper answered almost harshly.

"I don't mean to rush you Ginny. I just wanted to point out to you that the more Dane spends time with you both, the more there is a chance that he'll figure it out by himself. Especially when you make comments about him resembling Tony like you did earlier. And I'm not sure you want him to find out that Tony is his father on his own." Edna explained patiently.

"Yeah, I know you're right mom," Pepper said quietly as they began climbing the boarding stairs "I really do know. But right now too many thoughts are fighting inside my head trying to get out now. I don't even know where I'm standing with Tony at the moment, and I just don't want to add Dane in the equation for now."

"I know Ginny, but unfortunately, he is already part of the equation now whether you want it or not." Edna observed.

Pepper sighed sadly "I know, mom… I know…" she said as they arrived at the top of the boarding stairs, in front of the jet's front hatch, to find Dane and Tony waiting for them on either side of the open hatch.

"Ladies, first!" Tony and Dane said at the same time as they saluted Pepper and Edna as they walked between them.

Pepper couldn't hold back a smile, "My god, we seem to have some real gentlemen, here, don't we, Mom?" she said looking at Tony then at Dane. Dane gave her a proud smile. Pepper put her hand on the top of his head and gently began to guide him inside the cabin. "Come on, honey, let's go get you buckled in for take-off."

"Can I be next to the window, p-l-e-a-s-e?" Dane asked quickly begging hard.

"Of course you can, sweetheart," Pepper answered smiling at him and pointing him to a seat next to a window.

"Terrific!" he exclaimed as Pepper started to put his seat belt on, adjusting it down to fit him securely.

Tony who was still at the front hatchway of the plane couldn't help but smile as he looked at them. Edna was still next to him and watched Pepper and Dane at the same time, turning then to look at Tony. "They are all I have," she started as he turned his attention instantly to her "So please, don't hurt them."

Tony looked sincerely at Edna "They are all I have too." Tony said somberly "I know that I'm not the type of guy that you pictured for your daughter." He explained gazinf at her with all the sincerity he had "And you are probably right. She can do so much better than me." Tony continued sadly "But I love her…and Dane more than anything else, more than my own life even. And I'll do anything and everything for their happiness, believe me. Even if it means, leave them if Pepper asks…" He concluded, struggling now to talk, tears clearly in his throat.

Edna squeezed his hand gently, "That's all I needed to hear Tony. And I believe you." Edna told him, giving him a reassuring smile.

Tony smiled back and nodded slowly to her before turning his gaze back to Pepper and Dane. He had told Edna the truth. All he really wanted for them was their happiness, but he was also praying too that their happiness would also involve him sharing their life, but this decision was not his…

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