话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > LastKiss
本书标签: 二次元  adventure  comic     

Chapter 13(2)


Pepper saw the smile come back on Dane's lips immediately.

Pepper couldn't do anything other than smile at the very evident camaraderiealready between them. She had caught Tony's unconscious use of the word 'home' too. For many years the Malibu mansion had been her home and it had hurt her badly to leave it. And now the possibility that it would soon be Dane's home suddenly caused her heart to clinch. She steadied herself and then cleared her throat once, just to let them both know she was in the room with them. "Yeah, and mommy said 'no' because she doesn't want her little baby boy to become a spoiled rotten child who doesn't know the value of things." She said smiling at them behind the harsh words, letting them know she was partly teasing.

Tony stood up quickly when he saw Pepper, hands to the sky as if surrendering to her, "And I'll never go against a 'mommy' decision." Tony said smiling at her.

Dane sighed heavily as he stood up too. "That's so unfair, I'm not a spoiled rotten child!" he said sadly.

"No, you're not, sweetheart," Pepper said as she reached out, pulling him into her arms and kissing him on the top of his head. "So what about your packing? Is it all done?" she asked as she let go of Dane, then looking down at Dane and then over at Tony in expectation of an explanation.

Tony looked at Dane, hoping to find a little help from him, and then quickly looked back at Pepper with a sheepish expression "I'm sorry, but it seems we got a little distracted by the car." Tony said honestly, actual shame crossing his face at the admission.

Pepper shook her head "OK… So you didn't even pack one thing?" Pepper asked looking and both of them sternly and tapping her foot impatiently.

And suddenly Tony and Dane answered proudly at the same time "Yes, the swim suit!" and then they both burst into laugher together.

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