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蔡雨薇被人放在心尖尖的小朋友,做梦都会笑醒叭 心の尖とがった子供には、夢のたびに笑ってパッパを起こす.

蔡雨薇如果有人给你发晚霞的照片, If someone sends you a picture of the sun, 你不要只记得说好看,要说我也想你了。 Don't just remember to say good-looking, say I miss you too.

蔡雨薇我的眼泪也曾掷地有声,你何尝唤过我姓名。 My tears have been loud, you have never called my name.

蔡雨薇The tenderness of life will always run into your arms. 生活的温柔总会哒哒哒的跑进你怀里哒。

蔡雨薇It is not that I stay up late, but that the night needs my bright star. 不是我熬夜,是黑夜需要我这颗璀璨明亮的星。

蔡雨薇The moon on the sea is the moon in the sky, and the man in front of me is my sweetheart. 愿一切为之努力的事情, 都有浪漫的结果。

蔡雨薇请成为厉害的大人和更可爱的小孩。 Please be a powerful adult and a more lovely child.

蔡雨薇我见青山多妩媚,料青山见我应如是。 I see how charming the green hills are, and I think they should be.

蔡雨薇Each other gentle, now on. 海底月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。

蔡雨薇我想作为你的骑士,想就这样一直守护你,让你做我的公主。 I want to be your knight. I want to guard you all the time and let you be my princess.

蔡雨薇May everything you do for it will have a romantic result. 我明白你会来,所以我等。

蔡雨薇总有一阵风会吹过我再吹过你,总有一个瞬间我们之前的距离是零。 There will always be a gust of wind blowing over me and blowing over you again, there is always a moment before our distance is zero.

蔡雨薇昨晚喝多了特别想你, I drank too much last night and especially miss you. 今天酒醒了发现,跟喝多了好像没关系。 Today the wine woke up to find that it doesn't seem to have nothing to do with drinking too much.

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