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蔡雨薇是因为喜欢你,顺带喜欢整个夏天。 Because I like you, and by the way I like the whole summer.


蔡雨薇I want to steal the stars and put it under your eyes, reflecting all my love.

蔡雨薇It is not that I stay up late, but that the night needs my bright star. 不是我熬夜,是黑夜需要我这颗璀璨明亮的星。

蔡雨薇万家灯火通明,不如你抱着我到天明。 Every house is brightly lit, why don't you hold me till dawn

蔡雨薇自从有了你,黑暗就不再是黑暗了。 Everyday at twilight, the sun turns red in the sky, I think of you on that shoreline.

蔡雨薇以后我叫无理你叫闹 因为无理娶闹。

蔡雨薇与其早早的给你海誓山盟 不如踏踏实实的陪你度过每个春秋. 早めにあなたに誓いを立てるよりは、じっくりと春秋を過ごしましょう。

蔡雨薇想偷星光放你眼底,折射出我所有的爱意。 I want to steal the stars and put it under your eyes, reflecting all my love.

蔡雨薇如果你见到有人没有笑,那你就给他们一个微笑。 If you see someone who doesn't smile, give them a smile.

蔡雨薇太阳下山了夜里也有灯打开,你看,这世界不坏。 When the sun goes down, there are lights on at night. You see, the world is not bad.

蔡雨薇你的偶像光芒万丈,你不能一身戾气。 Your idol is brilliant. You can't be angry.

蔡雨薇天气突然变凉,故事也该翻篇。 When the weather suddenly cools, the story should be turned over.

蔡雨薇关于我想你,每天都会发生无数次, About me, it happens countless times a day, 像满天星,细细碎碎,攒起来能照亮整个天空 Like a star full of stars, finely broken, saved up to illuminate the whole day.

蔡雨薇我对你的爱藏在眼里,熠熠发光。 My love for you is hidden in my eyes, shining.

蔡雨薇绕过江河错落,才发现你是人间烟火。 Around the rivers scattered, only to find that you are hum

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