话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝
本书标签: 动漫同人  瑞金  雷安     



Junan gas threw the pen on the ground(君安气的把把笔摔在了地上)

君安(云歌)DAMN, I can't say it or write it. AM I going to stay here all the time?(该死,说不出口也写不出不来,难道我就要一直呆在这里吗?)

嘉德罗斯Junan? Are you all right? I just heard you lose your temper(君安?你还好吗?我刚刚听到你在发脾气)

君安(云歌)I'm okay(我没事)

嘉德罗斯Junan stay here not good? Why leave(君安留在这里不好吗?为什么要离开)

君安(云歌)What? I didn't say I was leaving(什么?我没说我要走)

嘉德罗斯Don't pretend. I heard you just say you're leaving(别装了,我都听到刚刚你在说你要走)

君安(云歌)Then I can go too(那我也要走得了啊)

嘉德罗斯You can't run away with me. I won't let you leave(有我在,你跑不掉的,我不会让你离开)

君安(云歌)Now that you've said that, how can I run away?(既然你都这样说了,我怎么可能跑得掉呢?)

嘉德罗斯Since you can't run away, let's do the math(既然跑不掉,那我们来算算刚刚的账)

嘉德罗斯You know exactly what just happened, right?(刚刚发生了什么你应该很清楚对吧?)

君安(云歌)Of course, I know(当然,我很清楚)

嘉德罗斯Open the door, for the sake of knowing you're wrong(那就把门打开吧,看在你还知道错了的份上)

君安(云歌)I just said I knew what had just happened and didn't say I was going to be punished(我只是说我知道刚刚发生了什么,没说我要接受惩罚啊)

Then junan decisively locked the door(接着君安果断的把门反锁了)

君安(云歌)How about? Can't get in?(怎么样?进不来了吧?)

嘉德罗斯I think you probably forgot(我想你大概忘了)


君安(云歌)You can rest assured that sister Ann will not give you the key(你放心,安姐不会把钥匙给你的)

嘉德罗斯Yeah, too(也对哦)



Unfinished to be continued(未完待续)

上一章 ABO(二十二) 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝最新章节 下一章 不能算是小剧场的小剧场