话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝
本书标签: 动漫同人  瑞金  雷安     



帕洛斯(性转)UH ... why do you have a script(呃……为什么你会有剧本这种东西)

君安(云歌)We're all just " them" products(我们都只是“他们”的产物罢了)

君安(云歌)Unlike you, my existence can be completely erased at any time(而与你们不同,我的存在随时都可以彻底被抹去)

君安(云歌)I'm just trying to prove now that " I" is still me, but soon, you'll forget about me(我现在只是为了证明“我”还是我,但很快,你们就会忘记我了)

蒙特祖玛What are you talking about? Completely incomprehensible(你在说什么啊?完全听不懂)

君安(云歌)So what did you listen to for a long time?(那你们听了半天都听了些什么?)

安迷修(性转)Then go?(那就走吧?)

君安(云歌)Wait ... Where to go?(等……去哪里?)

安迷修(性转)Junan, didn't you just say you would treat us to hot pot?(君安,你刚刚不是说要请我们吃火锅吗?)

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet down, junan just did not say to ask them to eat hot pot, it seems that they can not tell the truth, junan is still in meditation, but they will soon pull junan into the hot pot restaurant, junan can only temporarily put down the view of this matter(最怕空气突然安静了下来,君安刚刚根本没有说过要请他们吃火锅,看来自己没法说出真相,君安还在沉思,但是他们很快就将君安拽进了火锅店,君安只能暂时放下对这件事的看法)

At the checkout, junan looked at the waiter's pen and paper(结账的时候君安的视线看向了服务员的笔和纸)

君安(云歌)Yeah, since you can't say it, there should be no problem writing it ...(对啊,既然说不出口,那写出来应该没什么问题……)

Just do it, junan tried to write down the truth in the form of a novel. Still useless, the handwriting disappeared in a moment(说干就干,君安试着将这个真相以小说的形式写下来,还是没用,字迹一会儿就消失了)

Unfinished to be continued(未完待续)

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