话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝
本书标签: 动漫同人  瑞金  雷安     



嘉德罗斯It's all the same, wearing sexy, revealing clothes to please other strange men(都是一样的,穿着性感暴露的衣服取悦陌生的男人)

君安(云歌)That's a regular job. don't talk to that group of bitches, mix different things and talk about the same thing(我那是正规工作,别把我跟那群女婊子混为一谈)



君安(云歌)I'm not not much discretion, how to do it.'s omgea. I've said it before. it's just that I'm trying to change my dress preferences(我不是随随便便的omgea,我之前就说过了,那只是我的穿衣喜好我已经在努力做出改变了,我觉得我们之间还有那么一点点误会)

君安(云歌)I thought you'd trust me a little bit more(我本来以为你会更信任我一点)

君安(云歌)But just now I wasn't so sure, we'd better calm down for a while(但就在刚刚我不是那么确定了,我们还是分开冷静一段时间好了)

嘉德罗斯Are you breaking up with me? But we've only been dating for half a month(你这是要跟我分手?可我们才刚交往半个月)

艾比Half a month is enough to see a person's character(半个月就足够看出一个人的人品了)

Junan was a push people pulled away(君安被一推人拽走了)


雷德Eldest brother, I also feel this time you are a little too much, junan's character itself is stubborn, admit to death, in fact, not only junan, all girls will not like to be insulted like this(老大啊,我也觉得这次你有点过分了,君安的性格本身就是倔强的,认死理,其实不只是君安,所有女生都不会喜欢被这样子侮辱)

雷德But you just stepped on junan's bottom line ... want her to forgive you still have a long way to go, come on, boss(但你刚刚却踩到了君安的底线……想让她原谅你还有很长一段路要走,加油吧,老大)

Unfinished to be continued(未完待续)

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