话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝
本书标签: 动漫同人  瑞金  雷安     



君安(云歌)I'm not going to have a baby, but work is important(其实我不打算要娃,还是工作重要一点)

雷德But I think ...(可是我想……)


君安(云歌)Don't hit him. what if you beat him foolishly?(你不要打他,打傻了怎么办?)

嘉德罗斯Silly is silly good ...(傻了就傻了好了……)

君安(云歌)No, I'm counting on him to provide me with novel material(那不行,我还指望他给我提供小说素材呢)

嘉德罗斯OH? Novel material?(哦?小说素材?)


嘉德罗斯Write about them?(专门写他们的?)

君安(云歌)Yeah, why? Even this vinegar? You a jealous jar(没错,干嘛?连这个醋都吃啊?你个醋坛子)


嘉德罗斯Why not write about me?(为什么不写我?)

君安(云歌)So that's why you're here? But what do you do with their love story?(原来你是因为这个才?可是他们俩的爱情故事写你干什么呀?)

嘉德罗斯Then write a copy of mine(那就专门写一本我的)

君安(云歌)You let me write and I'll write? I don't want face?(你让我写我就写啊?我面子不要啦?)


君安(云歌)All right? I'm kidding(好啦?我在开玩笑)

嘉德罗斯Then you write now, write it and show it to me. no books allowed(那你现在就写,写完就给我看,不准出书)

君安(云歌)That's no good. I'm counting on it to make me money.(那可不行,我指望它给我赚钱呢?)

嘉德罗斯Junan, is my words no deterrent? Or do you think I can't afford you?(君安,难道是我的话没有威慑力了吗?还是说你觉得我养不起你是吗?)

君安(云歌)Of course not. don't I have to work, too?(当然不是啦,那我不也要工作的嘛?)

嘉德罗斯What kind of mixed work are you doing? Fight, bar dancer ...(你做的那些都是什么杂七杂八的工作?打架、酒吧舞女……)

君安(云歌)Wait a minute, let me clarify. I'm not a bar dancer. I'm a bartender(等会儿,我澄清一下,我那不是酒吧舞女,是调酒师)

Unfinished to be continued(未完待续)

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