话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝
本书标签: 动漫同人  瑞金  雷安     



嘉德罗斯No, no, how dare I perfunctory you?(没有没有,我怎么敢敷衍您呢?)

君安(云歌)If you lie, you'll touch your scarf(你骗人,你一撒谎就会碰你的围巾)

嘉德罗斯No, don't you hate me? How did you know I would touch my scarf if I lied?(不对啊,你不是讨厌我吗?怎么会知道我撒谎就会碰我的围巾呢?)

君安(云歌)with a glib tongue, I didn't know you'd touch the scarf if you lied, but you just said it, and I'm sure(油嘴滑舌,其实我并不知道你撒谎就会碰围巾,但是你刚刚说了,我就可以肯定了)

嘉德罗斯You set my words?(你套我话?)

君安(云歌)How can I call you that? I'm called ... It's called caring(我这怎么能叫套你话呢?我这叫……叫关心)

君安(云歌)YES, care about(对,关心)

嘉德罗斯Care about me? It's a special way you care, Reid told you(关心我?你这关心方式挺特别的,雷德告诉你的吧)

君安(云歌)So you know? Wouldn't you just be playing with me?(原来你知道啊?那你刚刚岂不是在耍我玩呢?)

嘉德罗斯I didn't play you, intuition(我没有耍你,直觉)

君安(云歌)Intuition? Your intuition is pretty good(直觉?你直觉还挺准的)

嘉德罗斯It's not intuition ...(其实也不是直觉…)

嘉德罗斯It's about you(是对你的了解)

君安(云歌)Why are you talking so much today? Not like your style? It is said that love will be silly, now it seems that you have been silly(你今天话怎么这么多?不像你的风格啊?都说谈了恋爱会变傻,现在看来你已经傻了)

嘉德罗斯It's only you who can make me stupid(让我变傻的只能是你)

君安(云歌)What's wrong with you today? Love words can slip away. You go out, I'm going to bed(你今天这是怎么了?情话说的可溜了,你出去吧,我要睡觉了)

Unfinished to be continued(未完待续)

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