话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 凹凸世界:对所爱至死不渝
本书标签: 动漫同人  瑞金  雷安     



嘉德罗斯This can't talk nonsense, what call slowly get used to, you must get used to(这话可不能乱说,什么叫慢慢习惯,你必须习惯)

君安(云歌)Yo? So domineering? I'm going to say no?(哟?这么霸道啊?我要说不呢?)

嘉德罗斯Then I have to take special measures(那我只能采取特殊的手段了)

君安(云歌)I finally know why you don't have a girlfriend. you're too straight, okay(我终于知道你为什么没有女朋友了,你太直了好吗)

嘉德罗斯Is there? I don't think so(有吗?我不这么觉得)


君安(云歌)Forget it. I can't tell you(算了,跟你说不清楚)

嘉德罗斯You women are so strange that they like to keep things in check(你们女人真奇怪,就喜欢卖关子)

嘉德罗斯Do you want to talk? Don't say I kiss you(你说不说?不说我就亲你了啊)


嘉德罗斯You oh what? You really want me to kiss you, that's what you want(你哦什么啊?你真想让我亲你啊,那就如你所愿)




君安(云歌)AH? Why close your eyes?(哎?为什么要闭上眼睛呢?)

君安(云歌)I don't want to close it, can't I?(我不想闭不可以吗?)

嘉德罗斯Not really(其实也不是不行)

君安(云歌)So why would you want me to close my eyes?(那你为什么还要让我闭上眼睛呢?)


嘉德罗斯All right, you stop talking(好了,你不要再说了)

君安(云歌)You let me not say I don't say? I don't want face?(你让我不说我就不说啊?我不要面子的嘛?)

嘉德罗斯Okay, okay, I'm not talking anymore(好好好,我不说话了)

君安(云歌)Are you perfunctory to me? We've only been dating for a day and you know you're putting me off?(你敷衍我是不是?我们才刚交往一天你就知道敷衍我了?)

Unfinished to be continued(未完待续)

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