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Looking up at the boundless milky way in the sky, I wish our love could be like the milky way without end.



Look for happiness in plain life, taste happiness in subtlety, watch happiness in loneliness and miss happiness in forgetting.



Who cut the time into fireworks, interpreted the prosperity of that moment, but chilled the plum blossoms left by the roadside. Fireworks are cold, not as good as plum blossoms.



Seasons always turn warm and cold into colors. Life always turns prosperity into calmness. After the wind is light and the clouds are light, the years are relieved in the mountains and rivers, and the days are pleasantly surprised when they turn around.



Time is like a big sieve. Friends who can stand the filter and think they are playing well may not be as good as you think. Only after the test of time, can they be seen by people's hearts for a long time, and finally stay behind, they are real friends.



It's better to send those rotten memories and words that nobody resonates with to loneliness.

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