话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 人生感受
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Since it is a flower, it must open; Since it is a tree, it must grow into a pillar; Since it is a stone, it is necessary to pave the road.



Time will precipitate the truest emotion; Wind and rain will test the warmest company.



Have a confused life and live happily.



Every section of the road, as long as there is still unwilling, it has not come to an end.



In fact, giving up is not much easier than insisting on it, it is just more convenient. Life is in a hurry, don't settle for perfection, don't leave too much regret for yourself, live in the way you like, do what you like, pamper yourself, and be a unique self is the most important thing.



Cherish the happiness around you, appreciate what you have, let go of what you can't bear, let go of what you can't afford to hurt, let go of what you can't figure out, and let go of what you can't hate. Life is not easy, life is not long, so why use unnecessary troubles to humiliate yourself and hurt the years?

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