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Don't expect enthusiasm alone to get what you want. It's not the power of water, it's the continuous power.



Peace of mind, life is a calm water; Lighten your heart, life is a free cloud.



My life never pleased me, so I created my own life.



Live well, read well, take good care of your skin, take good care of yourself, and it's never too late to turn over a new leaf.



To be a man, you should have your own temper, and put on a high profile moderately. The so-called gentleness is just about who you use it on.



There is no mountain that can't be climbed, and there is no hurdle that can't be overcome. As long as you face it bravely, everything will go with the wind.



We should shine in the sun, run in the wind and rain, and say to ourselves: Yesterday was fine, today is fine, and tomorrow will be better.



There will always be some things, and then I realize that all loneliness and missing are testing you and screening for you in order to leave the best for you.



To love someone, seven points is enough, and there are three points left to love yourself. Too much love is not happiness for him, but a burden.

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