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Time can't save you, it will only lead people forward, and only you can correct the direction. You have to absorb more and stimulate more every day until it becomes your habit. After all, if you don't walk a little today, you will have to run tomorrow.



Hope, only with diligence, can it be even more powerful.



The most gratifying thing in life is waking up to find that the sun is still there, you are still alive, and everything around you is still beautiful.



In this world, some people are as cold as others are warm.



Sometimes, the simplest advice you give others is the most difficult one for yourself.



May you keep a high enthusiasm for life and have good habits at the same time. These are the living conditions you should have.



The world is small, please run with your dreams; The world is very big, please grow up with persistence!



Without a sword, going out is a river's lake; The wine is still warm, and the entrance is not dry. Far away from Qian Fan, I'm still a teenager.

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