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In this world, no matter how good you are, there are always people who like you and others who don't like you, so you don't have to please everyone, and you don't have to care about other people's eyes. For you, being yourself is the most important thing.



Lean people don't care about their moods, they only care about their officers; Incompetent people don't care carefully about their affairs, but only care about their moods. Take out your temper, that is called nature; Put your temper back, that's skill.



Years will give you what you want. However, if you don't work hard, what do you want, and what will give you the years? You should remember that everything you have learned and every suffering you have suffered will come into use at some point in your life.



Many social relationships die from talking too much! When others show kindness, you immediately open your heart and talk a lot. You think this is called trust, but others feel burdened. In social situations, no one really wants to hear you talk about yourself at length. So, say less, you are more attractive.



People have two eyes to see the world, everything and others, but they can't see themselves; Can see other people's faults, but can't see their own shortcomings; I can see the greed of others, but I can't see my own stinginess; You can see other people's evil rape, but you can't see your own stupidity.

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