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人们什么时候说话最少?When Do People Talk Least?

Student A: When do people talk least? Student B: In February. Student A: Why? Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year. 学生甲:人们在什么时候说话最少?学生乙:在二月。学生甲:为什么呢?学生乙:因为二月是一年中最短的一个月。


One student to another: "How are your English lessons coming along?" "Fine. I used to be one who couldn't understand the English men, and now it's the English men who can't understand me." 一位学生对另一位说:“你的 英语 最近学的怎么样?”“很好,我过去不懂英国人说话,可现在是英国人不懂我的话了。”

A Girl's Name 女孩的名字

When our daughter was born, we named her Myles, after my beloved late(已故的) father, despite family warning that the name was too masculine(男性的) . Years later, when I felt she was old enough to understand, I explained to Myles, Your name is very special. I named you after my own father because I loved him very much. I know he would be proud of you. Myles thought carefully about this and then said, I know all that, Mom. But I don't understand why my grandfather had a girl's name. 女儿出生时,我们给她取名叫迈尔斯,和我深爱的业已过世的父亲同一个名字,不过家人提醒这个名字太男性化了。 几年以后,我觉得迈尔斯已经长大,能够懂事了。我对她解释说:你的名字很特别。我给你取了一个和我爸爸一样的名字,因为我非常爱他。我相信他会为你而深感自豪的。 迈尔斯很仔细地想了一下,然后说道:这些我都懂,妈妈。可是我不知道外公为什么会有一个女孩子的名字。

A Thank-you Note

Once I received a thank-you note from a friend whom I had helped. In the envelope were five lottery tickets that had been scratched, revealing the numbers. "Thank you very much for your help," the note read. "As a gift, I bought you some lottery tickets- sorry you didn't win. " 有一次,我收到一封感谢信,是一个我曾帮助过的朋友寄来的。信封内有五张彩票,都被刮过了,露出了数字。“非常感谢您的帮助,”信上写道,“作为礼物,我给您买了些彩票----真遗憾,您没中奖。”

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