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本书标签: 现代 





Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a magical well. The villagers believed that if you threw a coin into the well and made a wish, it would come true.


One day, a young boy named Sam found a shiny coin on his way home from school. Excitedly, he ran to the wishing well. He closed his eyes and whispered, "I wish for a bicycle to ride to school."


As he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see nothing had happened, he went home feeling disappointed. However, when he reached his doorstep, Sam saw a box wrapped in bright colors. He opened it and found a beautiful, new bicycle just like he had wished for! His parents had surprised him.


The bicycle wasn't from the magical wishing well, but from his parents who had been saving money for months. They wanted to see their son happy. Although Sam loved his new bicycle, he loved his parents more for their love and sacrifice.


From that day, Sam learned a lesson, that although magic can bring momentary happiness, true joy comes from our dear ones. And the well? It remained a symbol of hope and magic in the village.


shiny adj闪亮的,有光泽的

whispered adj.低语的

whisper v.低语

They still can hear her whispered laugh.

wrapped adj欣喜若狂的,v.包,裹,用……绕住

sacrifice n.牺牲,舍弃,献祭 vt.牺牲,献出

momentary adj.短暂的,片刻的,短促的

wish for 渴望得到,渴望拥有

I know in reality what is I wish for.

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