话本小说网 > 游戏同人小说 > KPL:逐光而行
本书标签: 游戏同人  AG超玩会  KPL     




母亲Oh, baby, you're awake. How's it going? Why did you suddenly faint (哦,宝贝你醒了怎么样?怎么突然晕倒了)

唐暮—随风Mom, I'm fine. I think I'm just tired. I'll be fine soon (妈,我没事,我想只是太累了,很快就会好的)

母亲OK, have a good rest if you have nothing to do. Your notice of returning to school has come down and you can go back to finish your studies (好的,没事就好好休息。你的返校通知书下来了,你可以回去完成学业了)

唐暮—随风I see. (我知道了)

母亲I want to say that there is nothing left to learn, just go out and look for materials, but I respect your choice to go if you want to go (我想说剩下其实没什么好学的了,只不过是出去寻找素材,但是我尊重你选择想去就去吧)

唐暮—随风I think I'd better go there. Maybe I'll go back to China then (我想还是去一趟吧,没准到时候又回到中国呢)

母亲Good Night (晚安)

唐暮—随风Good Night (晚安)




母亲Good morning. How was your rest?(早上好,休息的怎么样?)

唐暮—随风Good morning, thank you for your concern. Am I going back to school today?( 早上好,谢谢妈妈的关心,我是今天回学校吗?)

母亲Yes, I'll leave in the afternoon. By the way, there's a delivery for you downstairs (是的,下午就走,对了楼下有你的快递)


母亲This is a snack? (这是零食?)

唐暮—随风Yes, the last time I went to China to meet, I thought my friend gave me a lot of delicious food. We didn't have it here. After he knew it, he said he would send me some (是的,上次去中国认识了以为朋友,给了我很多好吃的,我们这边没有他知道后就说要给我寄点)

母亲It's good for you to start school. I'm going to the company. Bye (你开学就好,我去公司了拜)

唐暮—随风Have a nice day at work. Bye (祝你工作愉快,拜)





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