话本小说网 > 校园小说 > 压迫中的救赎-d068
本书标签: 校园 



On a sunny campus.(在一个阳光明媚的校园内)

苍诗怡Is this the new school?(这里就是新的学校吗?)

苍诗怡It all seems so new.(看起来一切都很新奇呢)

Come to Class 2, Grade 7 on the second floor.(来到二楼七年二班)


作者Classes are divided according to grades.(分班是按成绩分)


苍诗怡Great, we're in class 2.(太好了是二班,不是三班)

She entered the classroom and found a window seat.(她走进教室找到了个靠窗的位置)

The door was suddenly opened.(门突然被打开了)

A teacher came in.(走进来了一个老师)

This is a dark bright thick hairdressing, like a black waterfall pouring down from the top of the head, it is soft and charming, but strong and handsome, free and easy, has a very simple and natural charm.(这是一头乌亮浓厚的美发,他像黑色的瀑布,从头顶倾泻而下,它不柔软,抚媚但健美洒脱,有一种极朴素而自然的威力)

老师Hello, I am your teacher Jiang, and I will teach you Chinese later.(你们好,我是你们的姜老师,以后有我教你们语文)

同学2Hello, teacher.(老师好)

同学1Hello, teacher.(老师好)

苍诗怡Hello, teacher.(老师好)

同学3Hello, teacher.(老师好)

老师Now let me divide the seats.(现在我来分一下座位)


杨子辰Hello, new deskmate.(你好,新同桌)


School is over.(放学了)

苍诗怡Mom, I'm home.(妈妈我回来了)

母亲When you come back, you come back. Why are you so loud? Disturb your brother's study.(回来就回来呗,那么大声干什么?打扰你弟学习)

母亲Come on, which class are you assigned to today?(说吧,今天分到了几班?)

苍诗怡Class 2.(2班)

母亲Did you play mobile phone secretly!The grades are getting worse. Why is it Class 2!(你是不是偷偷玩手机了,怎么才分到2班)


母亲It seems that I didn't give you some pressure. That's why my grades are so bad. I'll go to buy some sets of papers and make more than a dozen papers for me a day.(我什么,看来是没有给你一些压力,一会儿我给你买几套卷子,一天10几张)


母亲Nothing, but I gave birth to you, and you must listen to me.(没有什么可是,你是我生的你要听我的)

母亲I'm doing this for your own good.(我这是为了你好)


At a glance, I saw my brother playing with his mobile phone secretly.(看了一眼,弟弟在偷偷玩手机)

苍诗怡My own brother, he's here.…(母亲弟弟他在…)

When the mother heard this, she turned to look at her brother and hid her mobile phone to read.(母亲回头看了一下弟弟,弟弟也是把手机藏了起来读书)

母亲Isn't your brother reading? Hurry up to study.(你弟弟不是在读书吗?你赶紧去学习)

母亲Don't come to dinner if you don't study for three or four hours.(不学习三四个小时就别来吃饭了)

苍诗怡〈The younger brother is obviously playing with his mobile phone. Why hasn't he been partial to him?(弟弟他明明在玩手机,为什么妈妈一直在偏袒他)〉

苍诗怡I see.(知道了)

Went back to my room and read for hours.(回到房间里读了几小时的书)

When I came out for dinner, I had finished eating, and there was only one steamed bun left.(等出来时饭已经吃完了,就剩几个馒头了)

苍诗怡Mother, I have finished my study. Do you have a meal?(母亲我已经读完书了,可以吃饭了吗)

母亲Oh, did you eat those on the table(哦,桌子上的那些你吃了吧)

Looking at the table, there were only a few steamed buns and few dishes left.(看桌子上只有几个馒头,还有几个寥寥无几的剩菜)

苍诗怡Mom, isn't this enough to eat?(妈这些不够吃吧)

母亲It's good to have something to eat.(有的吃就不错了)


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