话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > TFBOYS:遇见旧时光
本书标签: 明星同人  TFB0YS  易烊千玺     



墨舟Lucas, please don't tease me.Lucas, don't tease me. The professor will kill me if I don't pass this assignment.(卢卡斯,你就别打趣我了,这次的作业要是还不过关,教授会打死我的)

万能角色卢卡斯:It's homework again. You're going to be a nerd.(又是改作业,你都快变成书呆子了)

墨舟I can't help It. What can I do?I can't help it. What can I do? If I pass, I don't have to change it again and again.(我也没办法,能怎么办呢,如果过关了,我也就不用一而再再而三的改了)


墨舟Playing basketball again? You really insist.(又去打篮球了?你还真是坚持)

万能角色卢卡斯:Yes, recently.Yes, the school is organizing the school basketball team recently, and I want to go, too.(是的,最近学校在组建校篮球队,我也想去)

墨舟Then come on.(那你加油)



万能角色卢卡斯:Who are you talking to? You are so fascinated.(跟谁聊天呢,这么入迷)

墨舟[收起手机]No one.(没谁)

墨舟Why don't you go to eat? There will be nothing to eat later.(你还不去吃饭,等会没得吃了)

万能角色卢卡斯:I just ate out with my girlfriend.(我和我女朋友在外面吃过了)


墨舟[翻白眼]Show affection and stay away from me. Thank you.(秀恩爱离我远点,谢谢)


万能角色卢卡斯:Ok, OK, let me introduce some girls to you?(好好好,我给你介绍几个妹子?)

上一章 NO.183番外:舟韵篇5 TFBOYS:遇见旧时光最新章节 下一章 NO.185番外:舟韵篇7