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本书标签: 小说同人 



  [56]"So..." said Snape softly. "We'll see about this...."


  [57]"Lupin!" Snape called into the fire. "I want a word!"


  [58]"I certainly did," said Snape, his face contorted with fury as he strode back to his desk. "I have just asked Potter to empty his pockets. He was carrying this."


  [59]"Well?" said Snape.


  [60]"Well?" said Snape again. "This parchment is plainly full of Dark Magic. This is supposed to be your area of expertise, Lupin. Where do you imagine Potter got such a thing?"


  [61]"Full of Dark Magic?" he repeated mildly. "Do you really think so, Severus? It looks to me as though it is merely a piece of parchment that insults anybody who reads it. Childish, but surely not dangerous? I imagine Harry got it from a joke shop --"


  [62] "That's right," sneered a cold voice from the wall behind Lupin.


  [63]"I found this at the base of the Whomping Willow," said Snape, throwing the cloak aside, careful to keep this wand pointing directly at Lupin's chest. "Very useful, Potter, I thank you...."


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