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There’s somebody out there for everybody. You just have to wait for god to bring him into your life. 每个人都注定要遇到那个特别的人。你要做的就是等待老天将他带到你的身边

The worst kind of pain is when you’re smiling just to stop the tears from falling. —— 最痛莫过于微笑着让眼泪不要落下来。

True friendship is needed to keep a certain distance. There is distance, would have respect; Have respect, friendship will last forever __真正的友谊,是需要保持一定的距离的。有距离,才会有尊重;有尊重,友谊才会天长地久

The most painful goodbyes are the ones that never said, but your heart already know it’s over——最痛苦的一种分手是,从来没有说出口,但你的心里已经明白,一切已经结束。

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” (Morrie Schwartz) 生命中最重要的事,就是学习如何付出爱,以及接受爱。

The sign of maturity is not when you start speaking big things, But, actually it is, When you start understanding Small things. 成熟的标志不是会说大道理;而是你开始去理解,身边的小事情。

The life between spouse should be like a pair of chopsticks:They can’t be away from each other and they taste everything together.夫妻俩过日子要像一双筷子:一是谁也离不开谁;二是什么酸甜苦辣都能在一起尝

The more you care, the more you have to lose. —— 越在意,失去的就越多。

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. 最幸福的人并不是拥有最好的一切,只不过他们可以把一切都变成最好。

The most hasty steps often take the most beautiful scenery.–走得最急时,往往错过最美的风景。

The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for——事实是,每个人都可能会伤害到你。但你可以选择值得受伤的人。

Things change and friends leave. And life doesn’t stop for anybody. 事过境迁,物是人非,生命不因任何人停留。

To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. – George MacDonald 被人信任,是比被人喜爱还要更大的赞许。

Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是

This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it. 这就是我,没人说非要你喜欢。

They say a person needs just 3 things to be truly happy in this world,someone to love,something to do,and something to hope for. 人生拥有三件事便可真正快乐:有爱的人,有喜欢的事业,有梦想。

There’s no sentiment without being injured when living in this world.“生于这世上,没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的。”

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.” 心灵是自己的地方,而它本身可以把地狱变成天堂,也可以把天堂变成地狱。——John Milton (约翰.弥尔顿)

The best friend is the silent company when you are sad and the reminder of your time together when you are apart.. 最好的朋友是那种在你难过时,默默地陪着你,什么也不用说的人,而当他离开时,你却会怀念和他一起的时光。

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.-Theodore M. Hesburgh一个父亲能为他孩子做的最好事情,就是好好爱他的妈妈。

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.? 未来属于那些相信梦想之美好的人

Tell yourself everyday : I am really great. /每天告诉自己:我真的很不错!

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. 生命的意义在于尽情生活,拼命体验,勇往直前、无所畏惧地去追求更新更丰富的人生经历。——Eleanor Roosevelt

There is no fast track to success, and no highway to happiness. All success comes from tireless effort and pursuit;and all happiness comes from daily struggle and perseverance


There is no rehearsal in the life , once missing , it will be lost forever. 世界上没有破镜重圆之说,一旦失去,就意味着永远失去

That’s the worst part. Liking someone so much and knowing he’ll never feel the same way. —— 世界上最悲哀的事情是,你深深的恋上一个人,但心里却清楚得很,他不可能给你同样的回应。

Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. —— 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。

There is always that one person who can send you a text and cause you to smile instantly. 总有那么有一个人,他的一条短信就可以让你立刻微笑。

The best feeling is when you look at him and he is already staring.最好的感觉是当你朝他看过去时,他已经在凝视着你。

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