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本书标签: 幻想 




梦瑶Even though it is prosperous for 3000 years, it is sunny to look down on it.


梦瑶Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself, be calm, and taste the cold and warm.

梦瑶少年向来不识天高地厚,放眼处皆自负才高八斗,虽是自命风流,倒也坦诚无忧 。

梦瑶Young people have always been ignorant of heaven and earth. They are conceited of their talents and abilities everywhere. Although they think they are romantic, they are honest and worry free.


梦瑶With the wind, there are the past, love and sadness. But not all stories have a beginning and not all people can grow old in memory. The past goes with the wind, and you have always been in my heart.


梦瑶One day, you will calm down, read your story like an outsider, smile and shake your head.


梦瑶I have no story to tell. I only bring my favorite liquor. If you are willing to accompany me, sit down and raise your glass. I will naturally have a long future with you.


梦瑶There is nothing to be confused about in life. No matter when you are, you should have some faith and confidence, learn to wave your sleeves calmly, and smile warmly without shame.

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