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本书标签: 幻想 




梦瑶Sunny day gives you a bright night, happy mood gives you a pleasing sight, shining stars give you beautiful dreams, and blessed words give you a good night's sleep. Dear, good night!


梦瑶I'm very tired, thinking about you all day; You are very tired. You have been running in my heart all day. Although we can't be opposite now, we can dream of meeting in our dreams. Good night, dear.


梦瑶Send you some happiness, may you sleep peacefully, send you a relaxing moment, may you sleep peacefully, send you a short message, may your dreams accompany you, and send you a word. Good night, my friend.


梦瑶It's late at night. Let's go to sleep. Let's send you a few grunts: one for good luck, two for good luck, three for happiness and four for luck. Start snoring when you receive your blessing, haha, good night!


梦瑶Put aside your work, don't think about your worries, throw away your worries, relax your stress, and sleep is the most important thing. I hope you can sleep peacefully tonight and have a good dream. Good night

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