话本小说网 > 现代小说 > 我一直想和你在一起
本书标签: 现代  七组邀请驻站 



成功“The technology of General Manager Liu's company is also one of the best.”


成功“It would be a perfect match to cooperate with General Manager Liu's company!”


叶星哲“Uh.. Jack, as I said just now, there are many companies with advanced machinery cooperating with my company, so we are not short of companies with advanced machinery like you.”

“额…… Jack,我刚才也说了,和我的公司合作的机械先进的公司不少,所以我们并不缺想您这样机械先进的公司。”

成功“Mr. Ye, you can trust General Manager Liu's company.”



叶星哲“What about the sincerity of your company?”



叶星哲“Your company wants to cooperate with my company so much that you can't show any sincerity, can you? Jack, is it just your mouth to show the sincerity of your company?”

“贵公司这么想和我的公司合作不可能一点诚意都不展示出来吧?难道光凭 Jack你的一张嘴表示贵公司的诚意吗?”

成功“You have to call General Manager Liu for this.”




成功“General Manager Liu said that if you want to know the company's sincerity, you need to call her.”



叶星哲“What's the phone number?”


成功“General Manager Liu's phone number is 173 * * 8318.”


上一章 我的公司需要的是更加精湛的技术 我一直想和你在一起最新章节 下一章 红烧肉不是红烧肉味还能是什么味道的?