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本书标签: 现代  宝藏文案  文案     


What you see is who you are. I have no defense.

所见即我 ,我不辩解。

No dove in heaven can stop a raven in hell from reaching his own freedom.


I'm not proud of being alone, but I do it for a living.


That is why they have killed you, because you are the green of our desolate land and the blue of our dark sky.


There is no incurable pain, no can not end the destruction, all the lost, will come back in another way.


The rain will stop sometime.


Like a school of forgetful fish, seven seconds later is amnesia, can only become a slave to the tide.

像是健忘的鱼群 ,七秒后是失忆, 只能沦为潮水的奴隶。


I stand on a hill and speak my mind to freedom and the wind. Sober and indifferent to the world clouds, good and evil stand behind me. Of course there is no place for me, and you have no right to judge my soul. I and my love are buried in the heart, I and my heart to the wind.



And my heart is slightly larger than the universe.


My whole life has been so, and my little bit of happiness and love is like this stiff mouth: a little bit of red painted on the face of the dead.


"There is no answer, only an echo. I call to you with all my might, my hands empty."

“没有回答 ,只有回声 ,我用力的向你呼喊,我两手空空。”





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