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本书标签: 现代  宝藏文案  文案     


"Longing is the furthest thing from understanding."


"Those who live alone are either beasts or gods."


Think people want to be strong, but also light, like a lot of hungry travelers smell rice smoke, but know not their own.


I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the sun, but the sun has made my desolation, a desolation of renewal.



Love is a person's eyes, filled with two colors of tears, filled with two people's loneliness.


Please be sure to again and again, again and again, three times and not exhausted, thousands of times, without hesitation to save yourself in the world.



I burned all the childishness and capriciousness with persistence, and the wilderness slowly grew out of rational indifference and sobriety.


A person like a flower in a pot, like the longer the time the deeper the roots, if you want to uproot, it is afraid that even the pot will be broken.


Your eyes are really beautiful, there are sunshine, rain, sun and moon, mountains, rivers, clouds, flowers and birds, but my eyes are better, because I have you in my eyes.



I have been a committed materialist all my life.



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